Oh boy my last two weeks have been exciting. And yet not as surprising as I had anticipated. But let’s start in the beginning.
The attentive reader knows I’ve been job-hunting for most of my time during 2013. Out of the blue I got a job offer in December and so I signed up with a Vienna based fashion label.
First big project was the runway show on Berlins Fashion Week. After organizing events for a lot of years my thrill wasn’t really with the event itself. I was much more enticed by the happening behind the scenes. It’s a whole new world for me – this fashion business.
Starting with the castings. Well everyone has seen a casting show on TV. It really is just like that.
Almost 200 girls where piling up and waiting, getting numbers and where being called into the room. Handing their portfolio, taking a walk, being eyed and turned around… I was surprised how polite all this was handled. Girls not being that great received tips and suggestions. Types of girls not being needed for this show encouraged to come back next season. All in all quite interesting. But I must say I really don’t have an eye for what a girl needs to have to make it to (our) runway. But as the titel says “My very first fashion week”.
The next day was all about the fitting. This was kinda fun. We prepared corners of accessories.
Shoes, gloves, under ware, stockings, sticky bras, etc. were layed out. The girls came in and where dress – sometimes by 3 people! They must have felt like dress dolls. When they were done, a pictures was taken for each outfit. All accessoires where gathered in a plastic bag. The clothes where labeled with the number each outfit would be shown on the runway. This was a crucial step. I was surprised that almost every piece of clothes had to be altered or sometimes still had to be made. We’ve had four tailors with us and they worked really long hours!
The day of the runway show was weird. It started out early.
Then it was followed by a lot of waiting. Some more clothes & outfit sorting & arranging and checking. Models where being sent into styling. I discovered a secret – models do look just like us in the morning! And when the doors open to the backstage area everyone was in a hurry. You get 60 minutes to set up the show. Meaning: getting the girls dressed, rolling out the runway carpet, getting 700 goodie bags layed out, seating & reserved signs had to be put on the seats. Once that as been done, doors opened and the people where pouring in. Most didn’t take there assigned seat. Many stealing goodie bags (crazy huh?!), celebrities posing for the cameras and then the show started. And then it was over. Yep. That is how it feels. I really can’t say much about it. It was flying by. I didn’t take any good pictures.
It was a busy week. I got the chance to see two more shows. It was a different experience. Much more relaxed (HAHA). The quietness during a show is surreal – knowing what happened a few seconds before. And I do wonder who would want to wear some of the pieces shown. But I guess one has to differentiate between show pieces and store piece – I still need to learn the difference here.
So this is it. My very first fashion week. Behind the scenes and in the front row. So excited and yet realizing everyone puts on trousers one leg after another…
So what do you think? Interesting? Want to read more in six months?
Congratulations!! Hope you were able to pick up lots of samples :-)
well i was lucky to get a goodie bag. put there wasn’t anything good in there… no clothes or anything like that. still picked up on my many impressions.
Fun! I went to Zurich Fashion days the first two years, though of course it isn’t as big as Berlin, but ditched it the moment it became more about being seen than about appreciating the clothes.
But behind the scene it must be really exciting! Thanks got giving us a taste.
Yes it sure was interesting behind the scene. And all for 20 min runway show…
Schön, mal hinter die Bühne geschaut zu haben! Sonst sieht man ja nur die Hochglanzbilder der Shows. Aber für mich sind das fremde Welten.
Ja es ist schon eine andere Welt. Ich persönlich kann mit dem ganzen Hype auch nichts anfangen bzw. Lass mich davon nicht blenden. Mich fasziniert eher wie alles zusammen entsteht und wievielt Arbeit drin steckt und nicht gesehen wird.