This will be my 12th year of blogging. That is over a decade of content I have produced regularly. I have written a lot of blogposts in the past and I have decided that this year I will be sharing one old blogpost from a previous year that was published in that months. Some posts are special to me because they have a backstory – which I will share. Some posts are real blog treasures and just got buried in all the new content but should see some more eye balls. Some just have wonderful images. They all have in common that I want to reshare and in case you haven seen them yet you may find them interesting. And in case you have been here this long (probably only San) come down memory lane with me.
The first blog treasure I want to share is from January 2014. Back than I had just started a new job at a Vienna fashion label and we were doing the big show at the Berlin Fashion Week. This was such a wild ride. While I used to organizing events I was new to the fashion world.
I loved the insights I gained. I loved the team I was working with. I handled some social media back then and dipped my toes into what is now my main focus. I was also at the time organizing my own wedding (which was taking place in February 2014).
And I was laid off shortly after the fashion week show. Like one week before my wedding. Which sucked big time. I stuck around at the job until May because they kept me on until I found a new job but it was hard being motivated and not fall into a depression. I am proud for sticking it out.
Enjoy the read.
Have you ever organized a fashion show? Or a casting? Are you interested in Fashion? What was a job you were laid off right after a huge event or project you pulled off? Or have you never been laid off?
What a great idea + this was fascinating (I clicked through to read your old post).
Love that you enjoyed this and thank you for clicking through and reading.
I loved reading the post of your fashion week, what an amazing experience!
I’ve never organized anything like that, and have never been laid off right after a big project. It sounds like they only needed someone for that time, and weren’t exactly honest about it. I have been laid off, though, several times. It’s hard, both financially and emotionally. Right before your wedding! ACK! Horrible. I’m glad that’s in the rear view mirror, as they say.
Yes, the timing was real unfortunate and it did make me think it was only for the project. But it may have not been that simple.
My boss the marketing lead quiet after many years and the label decided to move marketing to the head quarters to Vienna which made total sense and was best for the company. Once I heard my boss was leaving I kinda knew what was coming.
Didn’t make it easier but I knew it wasn’t because of me as person which helped.
Sorry you have been laid off too.
The event itself was an experience I am happy to have but I dont glorify as some people may.
I just want to put all those gloves on right now. I bet they are the softest of leather. Oh, I think I need a pair of long red leather gloves.
I have gotten white long gloves for my winter wedding. Unfortunately my under arms were too big and they didn’t fit. So I sold them a few years later. I. Case you wonder the brand is called Roeckl and a very old known manufacturer so I think you can get them in the states.
It was great to read one of your older posts, and I new nothing about fashion shows and what’s involved so it was very interesting. I really got a sense of how new and surprising it was for you too.
Happy you enjoyed that old post. It was such a wild ride. I kept a few things offline as it was my employer at the time and I didn’t want to share too much but had to record it.