The first cup of coffee on a weekend is always great isn’t it?
Ninja collects Saturday coffee drinking habits and mugs and tastes and such on her blog ninjasieben and I always enjoy reading those bits on blogs I come a cross.
So I figured I give it a try – sharing my Saturday morning coffee with you. And I had this picture in mind:
Unfortunately it’s only half the truth. No wait it’s no where near the truth. Because I have my coffee here:
I feel like time is on fast forward for the last couple weeks. I hustle and do and try to keep up but it’s never enough. I have a billion plans, a to-do list is ever growing, a household looking like s*** and I am dead tired. I feel physically drained but my mind’s energy level is fully charged ready to go. It sucks.
I am annoyed by my own mess and want to get rid of it so I can do something nice and enjoy myself. But where to start?
I am busy busy trying to sell a lot of stuff on eBay and Kleiderkreisel, etc. But how annoying is it when you finally do sell and then the buyer doesn’t get in contact? No communication at all. Hello why do you think I put it on eBay in the first place? I want to get rid of it.
I will keep being busy today, try to prepare a few more auctions for eBay, bake a cake, call a friend, head over to my parents around 2pm (oh no that’s in four hours) to help preparing for dad’s annual birthday party/college reunion.
Oh I have to tell you about this Party (Fete as we call it). When my dad graduated and moved to another city he figured I throw a party so people have to come visit me. It happened to be the Saturday after his b-day.
And ever since 1986 the Saturday after his b-day people file in to meet old friends, meet new people invited along the way, there is big party buffet and we all have a merry time. So I never knew it any other way because for my entire (conscious) life I have been at this very party (except one year when staying in the US). So I always look forward…
I love this tradition and I really am impressed that it has lasted for 29 years. Maybe we have a big celebration for the 30th anniversary. Do you have a nice tradition like that? I would love to do that with my friends but I do not think that would ever be possible.
Now I better hurry to the cake batter. See you around and happy weekend,
Fantastic Tradition! Keeping in touch with friends is ever so important!
Christina / Impressionista recently posted…Von allem zwei
I know and you are part of your friends life at least once a year!
I love that your dad has a big party every year. Traditions like this are much more common in Germany (I think) than they are in the US… and I love that those parties usually mean “going all out”! :)
San recently posted…The thing about grief
Yeah I would agree specially when it’s birthdays. But don’t the Americans have yearly family reunions and 4th of July BBQs? Don’t really find something like that here I’d say…