So, apparently fall is here. The other morning I rode my bike to work and it was cold. Not one of those sudden shivers more a cold that crept into your layers of clothes.
I like fall. I like when the air feels fresher to breath. I like all the funny fruit things on trees. I like the smell of rotting leaves and mossy grounds. I love picking mushrooms and hardly ever get to do it. (Note to self: Maybe I should make a fall list?!) I love eating plum streusel cake and apple pies. When I was growing up I even sometimes enjoyed raking leaves in my grandparents backyard. Then you could also watch the squirrels hiding the walnuts and when dusk came the hedgehogs took a walk. And my dad would cut trees and we would build a fire and roast potatoes for dinner. Sometimes I miss those happy and carefree times.
Now fall is all about “oh, soon it’s Christmas”, what do I need to get done, what didn’t I do during summer, why does time fly…
I find it sad that I do not appreciate the seasons properly. I run through life and hardly look left and right. But when I do it’s most likely a happy moment right there.
So for this fall I will walk around with eyes open. Observe the leaves changing color, discover a sparkling spider web, smell mossy grounds, take a walk and hopeful pick some mushrooms.
I will enjoy fall because it’s the pre-season to my favorite one: winter.
All seasons are dear to me. I mean imagine living in a area where there are no seasons? Where temperatures are mostly the same and it’s either raining or hurricane season or no other. I love watching the change. Do you? Or do you prefer hot temperatures throughout?
I will add this piece to Bines Schreibzeit as it has been a while. And I will grab a cuppa tea and read the other fall stories.
Happy fall y’all
1 comment
Ich liebe all die schönen Farben im Herbst. Rot, Orange, Gelb, Braun, alles leuchtet in den buntesten Farben mit einem Touch von Verfall…
Was ich nicht mag, ist der Stress, der mit dem Herbst verbunden ist. Anfang September haben die Geschäfte hier schon angefangen, ihre Regale mit Weihnachtskram zu füllen. Ich denke kurz vor Weihnachten schon “Wo ist die Zeit geblieben?!”, aber den Herbst würd ich schon gerne ohne diesen “Zeitdruck/Schock” verbringen.
Ach und ich liebe dein Pilzfoto <3 <3 <3
Hab eine stressfreie Restwoche,
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