After sharing all my read book in the previous year I decided to continue doing so in 2022 too. There are just so many great books out and I for one love reading what other people read because it presents me with books I would have otherwise never came across. Not all of them are my jam – and I am sure not all of my picks are up your alley either – but it does open my eyes and lets me venture out to discover new authors, new topics and new book loves. And it also keeps my TBR fully stocked. HA. So welcome to Book Talk January where we talk about my reads.
And right off I have to start with a confession. I am somewhat in a hard place when. it comes to books lately. It is not that I don’t have enough or great books lying around it is more that I can not keep focus on a book. I have mentioned here in previous posts that my mind is a rollercoaster for a few month now and that I have so many thoughts going haywire that I barely can read a few pages in a sitting. It is a bit annoying and makes me sad but apparently that is what is going on. Goodreads has informed me that I am 4 books behind my reading schedule this year already. I don’t really mind if I hit my goal but it is interesting nevertheless that January 2021 was my best reading months with 9 books and this time around barely managed to read 3 books. But. I guess as everything in life things ebb and flow and right now I see to be in the ebbing. phase.
The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey | ★★★★☆
What it is about: An older couple is moving to Alaska because they need a change of scenery. They are childless – not by choice and hope for new beginnings in the rough wilderness of Alaska around the turn of the century. When they build a snowgirl in a moment of childish play outside and this girl becomes alive it confronts them with old fears, new hope and joy of living.
What I thought: I enjoyed this book immensely. The setting – Alaska when it was still a frontier that needed to be made inhabitable and the struggles to do so. I enjoy that the couple was older (in the 50s) had life experience and that they had already weathered some heartache together. I also enjoyed that they came a bit naiv into the wild and finding friends was an experience they didnt know they needed. However the whole story more or less revolves around the snow child and her growing up over a time of about ten or fifteen years.
Original Language and Title: hardcopy, paperback, ebook
Publications: German: “Das Schneemädchen” hardcover, paperback, ebook I have also seen a Portuguese translation
Recommend to: Everyone loving a fairy tale inspired story combined with some love and realism.
The Power by Naomi Alderman | ★★★☆☆
What it is about: Through some sort of virus or mutation women receive the power of electrifying people by touch. This could be used for good and for bad. We follow a set of characters around the world and how their lives change because of this new power.
What I thought: This was our book club book. Otherwise I would have probably not read it or maybe dnf. It was an ok read. I didn’t feel the book at the time I (had) to pick it up – maybe I would have enjoyed it at a different time. Before we discussed the book in the group I couldn’t really put my finger on it what bothered me. After discussing I knew it was the missing creativity in the story line. The author used a lot of stereotypes and this really bothered my. It basically just flipped the world around from men to women but it didn’t go into how women would be different or why they may not bee. It was just a retelling of the other side of the coin. I personally enjoyed the only male character in the book the most. a lot of people were choked or appalled about reading the rape scene of a male victim and found it more difficult to read than when ist being a female victim. I didn’t really had that feeling for me they were equally horrifying. I do love the book club because I think about a book on another level. So even though this wasn’t my favorite I still enjoyed the whole experience.
Original Language and Title: hardcopy, paperback, ebook
Publications: German title “Die Gabe” paperback, ebook
Recommend to:
Queenie by Candy Carty-Williams | ★★★☆☆
What it is about: Goodreads says: Queenie Jenkins can’t cut a break. Well, apart from one from her long term boyfriend, Tom. That’s definitely just a break though. Definitely not a break up. Stuck between a boss who doesn’t seem to see her, a family who don’t seem to listen (if it’s not Jesus or water rates, they’re not interested), and trying to fit in two worlds that don’t really understand her, it’s no wonder she’s struggling.
What I thought: It was an ok read for me. I count really identify with a lot of choices and behaviors Queenie took and it made me wonder quiet often if young girls really go through life like that. I found it interesting to have a look into the Jamaican and Nigerian culture in Britain though and also some of the “stereotypically family dynamics. But this book proved to me again that British authors and their humor isn’t really my thing.
Original Language and Title: paperback, ebook
Publications: German “Queenie” hardcover, paperback, ebook
Recommend to: Everyone who loves diving into young female characters that struggle through a certain part in life and emancipate in more than one way.

New books on the shelves
I decided in 2022 I will also share how many books make it to my TBR list (only books I own otherwise we would sit here in years) and occupy my shelves right above the reading chair and also on my digital home on the kindle. Feel free to ask me in a few weeks if I have read it yet. HA
- The Hidden Lives of Trees || Das geheime Leben der Bäume by Peter Wohlleben – a book I was gifted by buchundbrimborium “Buchwunschmachine” sent to me by Ursula
- Das Geheime Band by Peter Wohlleben – a book I was gifted by buchundbrimborium “Buchwunschmachine” sent to me by Anka
- Mariannengraben by Jasmin Schreiber – a book I was gifted by buchundbrimborium “Buchwunschmachine” sent to me by Tania
- Der Wind singt unser Lied by Meike Werkmeister – a book I was gifted by buchundbrimborium “Buchwunschmachine” sent to me by Ira
- A Deadly Education by Naomi Novak – a Christmas present
- 111 Orte in Hamburg die man gesehen haben sollte by Jochen Reiss – a Christmas presen
- Britt Marie war hier by Fredrik Brackman – a book I found on ebayKleinanzeigen
- The Girl in the Tower by Kathrine Arden – a present to myself
- Der Talmud – bough ebook for my 101 in 1000 days challenge
- Das Märchen vom Stadtschreiber der aufs Land flog by Hans Fallada – a kindle freebie I snatched
- Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter – a kindle freebie I snatched
- Krieg und Frieden by Lew Tolstoi – a kindle freebie I snatched
Admittedly I am a bit surprised how many books found its way into my home in January. I usually am rather strict in getting books but the swap had a lot of books I wanted for long. Now knowing I will move soon it may have not been the smartest idea. Maybe next month I will share what kind of books leave my home. We’ll see.
But for now can you recommend a book about moving, minimalism, organizing or making a home – non-fiction or fiction. Then I would have a good reason to get it.
Happy Sunday,
We read The Power for our book club book in Jan. 2020. I think I agree with you – good concept, poor execution. Our book club devolved into a huge discussion about local politics and I thought that it was interesting that we weren’t really able to sustain a discussion about it.
NGS recently posted…How to Be a Victorian by Ruth Goodman
Oh that is so interesting to hear that other book clubs also discussed and had some struggles. We did discuss a lot of other issues too during our meeting.
Gretchen Rubin’s Happier at Home and Kendra Adachi’s The Lazy Genius are good ones for minimalism and prioritizing the right things in life/home (both of these are non-fiction)
Joyful (by Ingrid Fettel Lee) talks a lot about aesthetics.
I also really like Outer Order, Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin. It is VERY short, but has a lot to say about minimalism.
Elisabeth recently posted…Casual Friday + A Phone Usage Update
Thank you so much for the recommendation I was counting on you. I have to check them out. However Gretchen Rubin is t my favorite but I’ve only read one of her books.
I love reading book reviews- my TBR list is long right now, and it’s all from reviews I read on blogs!
i’ve heard of The Snow Child before, and it sounds really good. The other two sound like three-star books to me, too.
You could check out
I haven’t read any of the books, but some of them sound great.
Jenny recently posted…Eating Our Way Through Minor Holidays
Book reviews are the best. So many good one to discover.
Well I know you are not the biggest fan of snow but maybe you find snow child fun to read