The pandemic is holding this world in suspense. Is there a country not yet affected by the corona virus? I doubt it. I didn’t want to make this a huge topic on my blog. But I feel like when this is all over we will sit by the fire and tell our “war stories” and laugh about it, pad us on the shoulders that we are some tough fellas and celebrate with a beer (or Moscow Mule). And for those moments I will capture the days in my corona diaries.
Number of days at home?
We started the with an official quarantine on March 12 after Mr. ♡ went to the doctors to get tested. Until the result came back we were in quarantine (until Saturday 14th when the test came back negative). Mr. ♡ started home office on Wednesday 18th and hasn’t left the house since then as he is still sick. I went outside to a dentist appointment on Monday 16th and to run some errands like getting birthday presents. Since then I only went outside to get some groceries.
How is the political situation?
Schools and universities have closed on Monday 16th and many offices have shut down and have their employees working from home. Since Friday 20th we have official contact ban meaning no meeting/talking with people on the streets or meeting outside. Only two people are allowed to walk together on the street unless living together. Personal sport and movement outside is allowed but no sitting outside.
How is the work situation?
March 12th was my Black Friday when three of my four clients canceled all engagements. The only one still running is only putting out 2 days a months and I assume will get reduced too. Of course that doesn’t pay bills. March will be ok so far. Since payments come in in April that will keep me going but from May on out it will be a tough stretch. Honestly I don’t expect business to pick up before the end of the year…
How is the mood?
I had to get used to having Mr. ♡ hop around during the day. This took a couple days to getting used to and finding a new routine. But since he used to work from home as a freelancer before and I am working from home since 2017 we were both not having many issues. But still it’s a bit stressful at times. Specially when it comes around the questions of “what’s for lunch/dinner”.
Any favorite moments?
- First lunch on the balcony in the sunshine.
- Facetime coffee break with my sister.
- Facetime call by my nephew
- A battle of Song Pop Party with Mr. ♡
What was the worst moment?
Hearing about family members who don’t really take this as seriously as we do and run around even though being in the risk group. Angry, sad, helpless… all the feelings.
What is stressful right now?
In the beginning it was watching all the news and reading stuff with the first coffee. This got a bit better. Also some moments/situations of anxiety that bubble up.
What was fun?
Laughing with the husband. Seeing the neighbors across the street dance. Looking at Spanish song lyrics one evening.
Any makes/DIYs this week?
Shoot a couple photos with the phone. Decorated an envelope. Wrote blog posts. Blew out eggs. Fixing some holes in the wall and making new ones.
What’s for lunch/dinner?
Suddenly cooking more and trying to find meals we both enjoy. Hard thing. But we had
- Fish (fingers), mashed potatoes and cucumber salad
- Pasta with pesto, mozzarella and tomatoes
- Lasagne
- Pizza & chicken fricassee
- Käsespätzle
- Meatballs with veggies and potatoes
- Königsberger Klopse (German meatballs in caper sauce) with potatoes
If you feel like you need to adapt the corona diaries to keep sane feel free to join me. I was inspired by tastesheriff and made my own version.
Happy quarantine to you and stay healthy
I am sorry I am commenting on your posts so late (batch commenting to come!)… I feel like I’ve been playing catch-up with my blog reader…. I can’t believe we’ve been in *this* for 6 weeks now.
I was frustrated too that in the beginning people weren’t taking things seriously… esp. here in the US the “response” was so slow.
You are always smarter when looking back. However I don’t really want to have to be smarter next time