Last weekend we had our Date Day May and it was so much fun. It was the husbands turn and he had two options. One was a walk somewhere in Berlin and a dinner after or a food hopping tour. I was feeling very low on energy and was not sure how much walking I could do. Also it was already 2 pm when we wanted to get started and I was starving. So I kind of hijacked the date and told him I want food with a bit of walking in between for more appetite. We had a lovely day.
We headed out for our first stop in down town Berlin close to the husband’s work place for a coffee. He keeps telling me about an asian inspired place with fun milk shakes and coffees and a 2-D interior design. We stopped for coffee. I had a black sesame coffee and he had a pistachio coffee. I really liked mine a lot.

With our coffees in hand we walked one kilometer for our next food spot and some breakfast treats. The place was called Croissant Couture and had a lot of filled croissants. When we ordered they were out of a few options but said it will only take like 5 minutes until the next batch was ready so I took a vanilla croissant and the husband a special nougat one. Unfortunately they messed up our order and we weren’t served for a long while. Not even drinks. I was getting grumpy because I could feel the migraine already creeping up. (As I said I was starving hours before…) They must have seen my face because at some point the owner came and asked if we had some issues with our order. We said we are waiting for quite some time. He came with drinks immediately plus and extra strawberry croissant to take home. When they delivered the pastries we dug in. It was really good too. I am usually not the biggest fan of vanilla but all other options were nougat. This vanilla filled croissant was really really good. I would definitely eat again. The husbands one was filled with wild berries making it less sweet and more sour which I probably would have liked more than he did. Overall a great spot.

After that we walked back to the car stopping at a few shops inbetween. The husband checked out a shop where you can order glasses in 20 minutes. He wanted to show me some option that he could then go get during lunch break. We looked through some design and art shops and then stopped at the Apple Store quickly to check colors on phones… A purchase I need to make now that my jobs are picking up again as I scratched my camera lens.
After a quick stop at the husband’s office for a bathroom break (so convenient having that down town Berlin) he gave me an option for dinner. Smashed burgers or Korean corn dogs. I went for the later choice. We drove to the back of one of the big train stations. I was very hesitant because it is not a nice area but apparently there is a food market hidden behind the trash, homeless people and constructions sides.

We both ordered one corn dog. I chose a 50/50 mix meaning the upper part was cheese filled and the lower one a sausage. It was all dipped in dough and rolled in honey crusted corn flakes. It was so so good. I could have easily eaten another one. I am hoping we will end up there again in the future.

I was still craving some more savory food and we were contemplating another corn dog. The husband was also craving fries. We ended up decided to go to make the most of our food hopping and go to another place that served poutine. It is a new thing here in Germany and a hype. We had heard about poutine back in 2012 when we were in Canada and I was brave enough to try it one day (but do not think I picked the best shop/version one to try) but I never had it after. We ended up getting a serving and sharing.

By now it was 8 pm and I was so tired again. Of course another migraine kept creeping up (I am mad mad mad that this has happened every time. I am not resilient anymore it seems. Hate it). So we decided to head home. Half way home I decided I wanted dessert too and suggested trying that one ice cream place close to home. It took a while to find a parking spot and then we managed to slip in ten minutes to closing. I had three scoops (which was way too much but I could’t decide…): after eight mint ice cream, dark chocolate and rafello coco ice cream. All were very very good. We ended up eating it in our packing lot at home watching the neighborhood.

And just like that another Date Day in the books. It was nice cruising through Berlin stopping at yummy places, sprinkling walks and talks in between.

Have you ever done a food hopping date? What is the best food you had at a date? Which of the things we ate would you love to taste?
My husband did something similar with our daughter last year. They got a roll of sushi and drove to a local lookout to eat a few piece each, then they went out for poutine (she LOVES poutine), a burger at another place, a doughnut at one place, and a churro at another place. They were gone for HOURS and she still talks about that day. It is very fun to have one bit of food and then move to another spot.
I think this sounds so whimsical. I’m so sorry the migraines were such an issue though. Argh.
Oh that is so cool. What a great father daughter date.
We keep saying we want to tray all the places but never managed so the husband stuck it all in date. Also he found all the cool spots in Berlin on TikTok and for once I feel like the cool kids. HA…
Awww, I love a date day that is all about coffee + food. That would be Jon + my choice too. What a fun day (minus the wait at the coffeeshop… although the croissants look amazing).
I also love the photo of you two <3
Thank you San. I am hoping to repeat this kinda date. And I’d love to see all the food you would try.
This sounds like an excellent date, aside from the migraine. Oh, I’m so sorry you have to deal with them. All the food looks so good, and I used to love a good food hopping date, back in the days before my stomach decided it wouldn’t be digesting certain foods any more. Ugh! I love the picture of you two together!
I could have done without the migraine too. I am sorry you have digestive problems and can’t have your pick at foods. Thank you I like our photo too
I am SALIVATING over those corndogs. What a cool place! I love this idea for a date, although I’m sorry that a migraine tried to ruin the whole night. Ugh.
The corn dogs were so so good. I really enjoyed this type of date. Yeah the migraine go… no fun
I’ve never considered a food hopping date, that sounds fun! We generally do a sit down meal at a nice restaurant, but something like this sounds like fun, especially since your husband did his research and knew the cool places to go.
Great picture, you are a beautiful couple!
I does have an excessive list of places he wants to eat at. Thanks to TikTok… Ha.
It was a really fun date.
Thank you. Sometimes I also think we are cute together. He more so than I
I have not done a food hopping date, but we usually do food tours when we travel, which are similar. Maybe I should work out one in Melbourne. I’m sorry you had to deal with a migraine again. I guess all the extra stimulation is the cause? Having to wait a long time for food was not cool either. Those croissants look amazing. I’ve never had a corn dog … it looks like a lot.
Yes definitely the extra and over stimulation. My brain doesn’t know where to focus. And usually I am at home in my secluded quiet bubble.
The corn dogs were so good but yes it’s filling. Croissant was good but very sweet.