I think the idea to make a DIY jewelry display is in my mind since I signed up for Pinterest in 20xx. Ok, maybe that was a bit overly dramatic but it is close. I always new I wanted to make some sort of hanging display for my earrings but didn’t quite know what I wanted or needed. I had a many ideas I walked through in my head but I never took steps to actually make them. As Mr. ♡ decided to throw out this newly bought IKEA Stockholm Tray because it didn’t quite fit in his office I snatched it up. After a few more months cluttering the apartment I finally went to work.
Last summer I spent a day in the wood workshop with my dad. I had a couple projects I wanted to work on. It was good to have some guidance.
Here is how I went about it:
Materials you need für your DIY jewelry display
- wooden tray
- wooden round stick in similar wood
- drill with matching heads
- sanding paper
- paint if needed
- carpenters rule, pencil
Unfortunately for you I was so caught up in the moment I didn’t really take step by step photos. I tried to explain what I did though.

- I had a huge mind block when it cam to measuring where to but my rods. Still have. Can’t grab the concept here even though my dad tried to explain multiple times (he graduated with a maths and physics diploma back in the day). I don’t understand how it works apparently my mind isn’t capable. Basically I did not measure.
Here is what you need to do: figure out where to put the first rod. It should be one in the middle section. Drill a hole but make sure not to go all the way through. Repeat on the other side. Now measure the distance. This is the length of your first stick. Due to some mathematical theory/law/whatever it will always be level. - Now you only need to use a distance meter to measure where to drill the next hole. Repeat until you are done.
- As for the studs I simply drilled some wholes in a slat. I didn’t do a very precise job but I am ok with that. It was a bit more effort to make them fit into the ledge as I could simply drill some holes.
- Once done sand down a bit and simply click the rods and slats into place.
- I decided to paint it all white as the jewelry pops more with a clean background.
- You are done. Now the fun part – hanging, sorting and displaying jewelry.
I am really surprised how many I accumulated over time as I didn’t expect to own that many studs. So I already ran out of space even though I got rid o f a few.
On another note I realized I used to wear a lot of purple as I own so many in that color but hardly wear them anymore. Over all I have 81 earrings – 27 handmade by me and 7 more handmade ones from markets or by friends.
I love that I can see them all on display now and can choose in the morning which ones to wear. It’s much easier to reach for some forgotten gems.

I am really happy how this turnt out. And also I was able to cross of #56 and #61 of my 100-things-in-1001-days-list.
Do you own a DIY jewelry display or how do you keep your accessories? I am always looking for fun inspiration so feel free to share.
Happy crafting
Very cool. This is the time when I wish I had pierced ear lobes and would wear ear rings LOL
Ha Right. Well you can come by and admire my collection any time.