Every year on a random day I share my doings. When I picked a date this year it looked very different from what you are going to read. It was the day in the month I usually meet my best friend for breakfast. But she had to cancel the night before and so I was gifted a day to try to chip away on the to do list. And it ended up being a very busy day for. So busy that I didn’t take any good photos and that I am still exhausted the next morning typing this. Noe enjoy my everyday life on a random day in 2024.
0:58 am – I wake mere 30 minutes after falling asleep. Quick bathroom stop and then I snuggle my hot water bottle and fall back to sleep.
3:11 am – I wake up. Turn around and fall back to sleep.
4:47 am – I wake again. Sigh. No, I refuse to wake.
5:58 am – I wake up. Is there a migraine creeping up? Head to the bathroom and then have drink.
6:03 am – back to bed. I toss and turn and try to go back to sleep.. it doesn’t look like it until
8:15 am – I wake up from a dream looking for my husband in a club. He was dancing. I was talking to a lady who is on a wedging. He comes hands me a brown woolen sweater and disappears. Then I look for him and wake. He is right next to me sleeping. It’s his home office day and he catches up on sleep since he saves on the commute today.
8:21 am – head to the bathroom and wonder if a micro migraine is settling behind my right eye. I get some water. I am tired.
8:25 am – back in bed with my phone which I picked up from the desk. I never use it in the bedroom but make an exception during NaBloPoMo to read and comment on blogs. But I am tired. My eyes are tired, so I cross them again and just enjoy the warmth of my bed.
8:31 am – I pick up the phone and start reading my blog comments and answer them. It takes a bit bit longer because I’m typing, but the husband is sleeping and I don’t want to wake him. Otherwise I would be dictating.
8:47 am – I start typing this blog post until 
9:00 am – the alarm goes off. I snuggle with the husband and tell him about my dream. 
9:04 am – I finished this blog post as far as right now.
9:08 am – I pick up my magazine and read two articles in preparation of tomorrow
9:20 am – I decide it’s time to get going and get up and leave the comfort warmth of my bed and the dying hot water bottle. I go to the bathroom, quickly put dishes in the dishwasher, make my ginger tea, boil water, took a photo
9:29 am – the husband has a bathroom break and while he is doing is exercises and I sneak in and get ready. No shower today only deodorant, mascara, brushing teeth. The scale is nice to me too today.
9:36 am – heading to get dressed.
9:39 am – in my reading chair with my laptop. I want to finish up today’s blogpost – our monthly coffee date – quickly. I needed that photo.
9:52 am – I quickly check my emails, nothing important besides the 55 NaBloPoMo Emails but they have to wait because
9:58 am – I FaceTime my best friend. We were supposed to have our monthly breakfast meeting. I usually go to her place (takes me about an hour) and stay there until she has to pick up er kids. On the way home I usually do the shopping at the discounter. However she texted me last night that she needs to cancel because of failed birthday plans and she had to trouble shoot. So we did face time while she baked cakes and I drank coffee and dusted the apartment a bit. That is the friend we met last weekend but we never have enough time to talk about all the things we want to talk about.
11:44 am – we hang up the call, I go to the bathroom
11:45 am – at the desk working. I have to send some survey results to a client. And then I work on updating a blogpost about Secret Santa gift ideas. A lot of links are broken and I need to find replacements to add in. Also prices have been raised the the structure isn’t quite working and I need rethink a bit. Until I see it is
12:00 pm – and I usually have a editorial meeting with another client. We said we skip it this week but they never get the appointments straight. So I sign in and wait until
12:10 pm – and then I log out and keep working on the website until the husband knocks on my door at
1:15 pm – and asks if we want to have lunch. When he is in the home office we usually have lunch at 1 pm. I force him to call the garage and check if they bring back our car today which needs repair – not the tires… scratches some idiots have made because they are incapable of parking… – and they said they deliver it later in the afternoon. But that means he has to go fill up the gas of the substitute car we got. After some back and forth we decide I stay home. I get a coffee and at
2:10 pm – start reading some blog comments and answering. Also working on this post.
2:30 pm I decide to clean the main bathroom. I managed the guest one yesterday but this one needs a deep clean. I do the sink, the bathtub, the shower … which takes for ever and stinks from the pipes and then the toilet. I put pipe cleaner in both drains in the end. I a deep in filth when the garage guy is ringing the bell and the husband jumps to handle it even though he was in a meeting.
4:00 pm – finally done and I have a second coffee as a reward. I contemplate taking it outside for a walk while it is still a fraction of daylight bt decide not too. I am sweaty and don’t want to get sick. Instead I sit in my chair and read a few blog posts and work on this post.
4:45 pm – I get back to the desk. I need to finish that blogpost I started earlier. I also need to check some trello messages. The content that was supposed to go online and I had to ask for approval numerous times in now not approved… Quality is not good. I cannot work with this kind of feedback. Specially when the exact same video with a different product went online last time. It is very frustrating. I am guessing their Internet connection is shit and they see only half of the video. I don’t know. By now this client is for making money not for making good stuff. I have vented about that one before.
4:54 pm – husband comes in and also needs to vent. Without going into detail its a really mean/sad situation and I feel for him. Friendships are hard.
5:05 pm – I continue to work. Or I try because
5:07 pm – my sister calls. We want to fix a meeting. She suggested that we go Christmas tree cutting together this year. we have two dates and I need to check with the husband.
5:22 pm – back to work. Finally. I get back to that blogpost. After that I update a few other things on the clients blog. After that I figure I can also update the shops landing page something that was on my schedule since September and I kept forgetting. After that I do a bit of community management on Instagram and Facebook. I look at my to-do list and I am not done. I need to check some papers from the tax office, some other paperwork I need filling out and I also wanted to catch up on some of the AI stuff I have ignored for the past 2 weeks since my course ended. But at
7:35 pm – I decide to stop the workday. I am tired and hungry. I head to the husbands office and tell him I am tired and hungry and I want to eat. He points out, that we need to unpack the new tv tonight. I had forgotten but he is right. The plan was that he can set up and play with it all day tomorrow when I am gone to a conference.
7:50 pm – we start to unpack the TV. Of course it takes longer because you need to check the manual and figure out when where and how. While the husband reads the manual I prepare dinner and every time he needs my help I jump. When the two person jobs are done I at

8:36 pm – I grab the paper trash, my coat and head out. I still need to get my 10 minute walk in. The walk and the clear air is helping me to wind down. It is dark so I only walk within our two blocks of cookie cutter homes instead of log the river. But I quickly head to the waterfront to take one photo. Otherwise this post didn’t have a picture at all.

8:58 pm – I am back home. I jump into my pjs and start cooking immediately. The husband has the TV running. I realized I still need to finish up the bathroom cleaning because the pipe clean is still in the drain and I need to rinse that. When I am done the cooking is almost done. And I set the table.
9:22 pm – I sack on the couch. I feel like I am sweating and feel awful. It has been happening more often lately and I tell the husband I wonder if those are the hot flashes. Anyways, we eat and check out the new tv. We couldn’t decide what to watch and I am starting to get cranky. I am hungry…. it’s two ours later. In the end we watch the first episode of Shrinking.

10:09 pm – the show is done, I clear the dishes and start the dishwasher before heading to my room.
10:15 pm – start working on this blog post. And then answer some blog comments that came in. After that I read some of the blogposts. Twenty five to catch up on just from NaBloPoMo participants. I am down to 14 blogposts. It will be the first day I am not catching up this year but I am really spend and tired. I will be having a very long day tomorrow too so I better get ready for bed. But before at
11:39 pm – I need to do my Duolingo in order to keep the streak. And I do the bare minumum today. Day 114 done.
23:45 pm – I heat the water for the hot water bottle, brush my teeth while its boiling, get my winter coat from storage under the bed because I need it early tomorrow and the husband will be sleeping still and the I kiss the husband goodnight who is playing on the xbox. Now I head to bed. And sigh… I am exhausted but I will try to read a little.
00:01 am – lights out. Setting the alarm to 8:15am. I never set the alarm this feels like pressure.
And here you have it. My everyday life on a random day in 2024. If you feel like you want to read more of the mundane check back to 2023, 2022, 2021, 2017, 2016, 2015.
But now let me know: What has surprised you in my day? What would have been overwhelming? What do you envy? How is your life different? How does it compare? Do you do FaceTime calls with friends when meetings get canceled?
It really feels like a very long day, so I totally get that you feel tired. But writing down a random day hour by hour is such a great exercise for everyone I think. It helps clarify what we spend our days on in a way & that’s good.
I hope the conference is fun and/or interesting. :)
It definitely is a very good exercise. And I’ve been doing it for a couple of years so it’s always fun to read back what happened a year prior even five years prior. And it’s interesting to see how days change the conference was interesting but very tiring I may write about it tomorrow. We’ll see.
Oooh! I have questions! Do you dictate all of your blog posts and comments normally? And if so, how do you do it? Do you put them into a program and then copy and paste or do you have a way to put them into the site that you are commenting on automatically? I often will do verbal journals when I am running or riding and need to make a note; I use Google Recorder, which will save the note and transcribe it, which is nice, although I haven’t really use d the transcriptions for anything yet (I guess when I write my book, right!?)
I actually just started during NaBloPoMo to dictate my comments. I only do it on responding on my own blog for now. I’m using an iPhone in the WordPress app. I still need to figure out how to do it on other blogs. I usually comment those on my laptop. I have keyboard shortcuts for my login data so I don’t have to type name, mail address and URL all the time. Unfortunately it’s not working for blogger and for some others which is a nuisance. Also my pronunciation is not always accurate so I have to fix some of the words manually.
Love reading about your day! Your sleep ups and downs are very familiar. My husband and I also just opened and set up a new TV and it took forever. I was so afraid I would break it, but it’s so far intact and operable.
I am sorry you also suffer from interrupted sleeps. It’s so daring and frustrating.
Setting up the tv is a task. I was only part in putting it up the husband needs to do all the cables and preferences and connections…
That is a really, really long day. What we all the tossing and turning during the night. You must have been exhausted. I would have been asleep at 7 pm. And I can’t eat that late in the evening, Me and mine usually eat at around 6pm But thank you for sharing your day, I love seeing what everyone else does. Which is pretty much the same whatever country we live in.
It was a long day and I was really exhausted by the end. Usually my days are not that packed. And I usually try to eat between eight and nine latest because it’s not good for me. But it’s not always working.
I loved reading this! Your day is SO different from my normal days! First of all, I have to get up at 5:30 am (scream!!!!!) so my bedtime is much, much earlier. Like, while you were eating dinner I was already in bed sleeping. And, your morning sounds so cozy and nice. Instead of snuggling in bed with a hot water bottle, I have to jump right up and get moving- get my daughter up, fix her lunch, etc. Looking on the bright side… it’s never cold here. Getting up in the cold and dark is the worst, at least I don’t have to do that.
I like that these recordings of everyday life show us how different it can be for each and one of other. Knowing that when I talk to people they have already 6/7 hours of work done or that they had to take care of younger people and such only helps to have more respect and understanding for other life realities. And in these times understand is so important.
I mean we already have some common ground but I personally can see that knowing how others operate help me be more understanding.
All that said getting up at 5:30 would never be my normal. I wouldn’t know how to operate. There was a time in my life I had to get up at 6am in order to catch a train around 7am to get to work. It was the worst. I could never adapt to that. (I say while insomnia got me out of bed by 5:45am – BUT will get back to bed later).
That was so interesting to read. As a teacher my work day is so incredibly structured. I love hearing what it’s like for people who work from home and have more flexibility. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for reading. I would love to get a glimpse into your life. I know I live a very different life from everyone having kids and/or having a “regular” job where you need to be places. I have done that too but in the last 8 years I have been self-employed and for me it is the best. Specially with my migraines it gives me the flexibility I need.
Oh what a long day! Exciting about the new TV though. I hope you slept well and woke in the morning refreshed.
Thanks Julie. I did sleep better than the night before. I hope to enjoy the new TV all set up on Sunday.
Thanks for taking us along on your day! I love the idea of dictating comments. I need to look into that! I never respond to blog comments as quickly as I would like to.
This feels like a very long day with lots of task switching but you got a lot done! And kudos for getting in a 10-minute walk at the end of the day.
I needed that walk at the end. I was so spend and some fresh are and clearing my mind. It really haas helped me getting them done. Unfortunately I can only walk around the block in the dark which gets a bit boring.
I am not entirely sure the dictating is actually quicker. Dictating trumps commenting on my phone but I feel like typing on my laptop (as I do this comments) ist still quicker.
I may start testing dictating my blogpost. I know a friend does it during her walks. Not sure how I like it because I think through stuff when typing.
If my sleep were that interrupted, I would LOSE my mind. Also, I get less sleep than you, so that probably works against me, too. I mostly just want bloggers to write about sleep.
I cannot read blogs on my phone. Laptop or bust for blogs. That’s a problem because I’m approximately a billion days behind on NaBloPoMo posts!
I don’t read blogs on my phone either. I mainly use it for commenting on my own blog. Sometimes I write parts of my own blogposts there specially when doing something like this post.
Everything else happens on my laptop.
My sleep is a big issues. The constant waking up is very draining and I am hoping I will someday figure to out. I have had this kind of sleep since I can remember.
Your day is pretty much the total opposite of mine. I go to bed early and wake up early. I couldn’t eat dinner so late, but you probably wouldn’t like breakfast so early! I enjoyed reading about your day. I hope you’re enjoying your new TV!
I did get later start than usually that day because I was awake so much and then I try to sleep as long as I can because I know the day will be crap otherwise. I could eat earlier but that day it just didn’t happen. I try to aim for no later than 9 o’clock. The TV is pretty good so far.
Uff, your day started right after midnight with insomnia and migraine… and then you had a very busy day. It does feel like a long day and then you go to bed so late. I wouldn’t be able to function.
I only FaceTime regularly with my parents and my sister, occasionally with friends but not as often.
That’s a beautiful photo of the homes at the waterfront btw!
It wasn’t especially long day and I was really exhausted because the week was similar busy. Luckily migraine just lingered for little bit and never really developed. Otherwise the day would’ve looked totally different. Yes the waterfront with the houses especially at night looks really really nice.
It seems like a very long day. I don’t like it when work spills over into the evening. You must have been exhausted after all the waking up during the night.
Yes, it wasn’t an easy night, but it wasn’t a worse one either. I feel like I’ve been functioning on this level for years and just can’t get a crib for better sleep. I don’t mind working in the evening. I’m actually more focused. I really do though and I always get a late start so I can just quit work at five.