April is in the book and so my bucket list of 101 things in 1000 days has officially ended by April 10th. Let me tell you its crazy that 1000 days have past by. It feels like I just started the list. And I had hoped to have more time to cross off a few more things. Well, of course not and so I have not finished nearly enough on the list. Spoiler Alert: I am writing on a new version. But I have done a few things the past year after my last check in and let’s do a bit of a wrap-up before getting into the crafting of a new list.
Checked goals on the bucket list
Let’s start with all the goals that have successfully been crossed of the list.
- Number 5 – get serious about waterfront living
We moved to a prime spot and are currently trying to buy because plans change just within a year. - Number 6 – declutter
Thanks to the move I did declutter a lot. At the same time I was overwhelmed with how much stuff I am hoarding. This is crossed off and I have the feeling it makes a re-appearance. - Number 11 – land 3 full-time projects
I am filing this under done as I have been continuously booked by client since July 2020 and didnt have much time for other things. - Number 13 – find a group of like-minded people
Joined the Heybooklovers book club and its been wonderful to chat with the ladies about every 6-8 weeks. - Number 17 – get craft lab set up
finally done in November 2021 to move a mere 6 month later.

- Number 34 – see World Heritage sights
3/3 – I decided to cross this off since I have been driving by the “Weiße Siedlung Reinickendorf” a lot in the past year and read up on it too. - Number 46 – continue to blog
I am still here and the blogging game has been consistent over the past years. - Number 47 – participate in NaBloPoMo at least twice
Happy to announce that I attempted every year and was able to finish 2020 and 2021 - Number 50 – support a crowdfunding campaign
Supported my friend Clare who opened a haberdashery shop and fulfilled her dream. - Number 83 – a secret one
I did it but dont share what it is. HA! - Number 93 – donating
I was more conscious about how and where to donate and did give away more money than I ever did. - Number 94 – volunteering
Traditions are strong and so my sister and I have been doing our Christmas volunteering every year. - Number 95 – leaving crafts
Crossing this one off as I gave away the last three DIY items during the move by putting it in box on the street
Previous goals I have crossed of can be read about here and here.
Goals in progress on the 101 things in 1001 days bucket list
- Number 1 – get retirement plan in order
It is a basis but it needs work - Number 3 – set up living will
Another attempt when I was getting ready for surgery but it wasn’t helpful for my mental health and I was overwhelmed. Postponed. - Number 8 – decide what to do with wedding dress
I was ready to sell it during the move but unfortunately since it is custom made no professional store will take it. Still pondering if I sell through craigslist or if I dye it and sell as Prom gown. Undecided. But I really don’t need it anymore and its not fritting anymore either… - Number 15 – find places to work outside of home
Didn’t feel comfortable working outside of home during a pandemic so this I wasn’t able to finish. - Number 18 – see 10 new places
Thank you Covid – no travels but did find a few new spots in Berlin. Since I didn’t had those in mind when wrote it down I am filing it under progress. - Number 28 – new recipes
4/10 well, this is sad that it wasn’t finished however I did try a few recipes with vegan substitutes. - Number 31 – new restaurants
5/10 I would be able to cross off if take-out places count. Other than this again pandemic and such… - Number 57 – wedding album
I have started but it’s a tough one. – Couldn’t be more true. No progress. - Number 65 – grow something from scratch
Didn’t make it to keep anything alive. - Number 71 – improve fitness, get in shape, loose weight
Tough one. Morphes into #100. - Number 76 – fell more self-confident
Didn’t really put much effort into this one. - Number 77 – learn to listen
Life long learning session. - Number 78 – no spend month
Didn’t happen. Sad. - Number 79 – fin tune clothing style
I was planning on doing a challenge here and start another challenge of combining more things. But the move kinda messed it all up. - Number 80 – learn Spanish
I was going strong and then life happened. But I can report I know more Spanish than 3 years ago. - Number 92 – reconnect with childhood friend
I think I am not putting more effort into this relationship. Its a one-way street it seems like… - Number 96 – watch lakers game
I really tried and managed a quarter here and there but a whole game is just sooooo boring - Number 97 – play x-box games
Another try but I am just not very good and get frustrated to easily. - Number 100 – forgive myself
Trying to wrap my head around that I will never be as healthy and fit as in my early Twenties. Sad but true…
What a list! I think it’s great how much I managed. I am however sad, that I was not able to cross of anything really from my travel category. I guess that wasn’t my doing. Also some goals were very lofty (#27, #40 #41…) and I knew its almost impossible to achieve but here is to dreaming.

Looking at all the charts for the past three years it is interesting to see the progress I have made. It does help me to stay on track. It’s a motivator to keep going, to have dreams.

I am planning on starting a new list. Some of the unfinished ones and untouched ones will reappear but I also have to think very much what is worth re-appearing. Now, have you ever attempted a project like this? Will you join me for the next round of 101 goals?
Happy dream chasing
I really enjoy having a number of goals based on the year; this year it is 22 for 2022. I make annual goals and honestly don’t check in on them very often – once a month or so. I always spend time in the week before Christmas and New Year’s reviewing my goals. If I don’t accomplish a particular goal, I will make note of why (i.e. perhaps I realize this goal isn’t actually important to me).
I love that you have a number for the specific year. And a.monthly check in is great too. I often loose sight of all the things I’d love to do. So setting up lists and having a place were it all lives is a good thing for me.
You’ve done great on your goals, so many things ticked off – well done!
The photo of your craft lab is amazing. It looks so creative and at the same time comfortable.
I am not great at decluttering but recently have gotten better! Work in progress :)
Decluttering is definitely a work in progress. And I think its a never ending thing. Like so many other household things unfortunately. Thank you for the “praise” of getting so much done. Will you join me in the next 100 in 1000 days list?
I think you’re doing pretty well… it’s good to have a list and track progress. It usually helps me to stay on track!
I agree it totally helps to stay on track but also to evaluate your priorities.