My most favorite day of the year is here. January 1. A day for new beginnings. For being bold. For making plans and dreaming. Dreaming big. Time to shout out those resolutions and dreams to the universe. I know a lot of people don’t make new years resolutions. One is gonna fail anyways. I beg to differ. One fails, when your goal is only to state a dream. It needs follow up work. Steps to get there. Every time I state a goal without identifying how I want to get there it is not working. Take my fitness level. It’s on my goal list for a ton of year. But half-heartedly if I look close. Loose weight, get fitter, be healthier are nice dreams. And then? Anyhow, it is time for those resolutions. 2023 will be magic. Come along!
Before I share my resolutions it is time to share my word of the year. Which is (surprise) MAGIC.
Side note: I have been setting a word for the year for a decade now. Some have been stronger and life changing some have been rippling along like a little brook. But every single one had some sort of impact. I usually follow Susannah Conways workbook. However after so many years I often feel the word without religiously going through it.
That said, it wasn’t what happened this year. I had scribbled down contenders in my Evernote note and high on the list was “give” closely followed by “explore”. Both great words. Both I see working for me. And then for some reason I threw in “magic”. Like right when I was ready to build all my goal setting around “give”. So I took a step back and did one of the exercises meticulously for the three words and what can I say. While doing it I knew I wanted it to be magic. And magic it is.
The word feels like and extension to my previous word celebrate. I love that it has a (for me) positive connotation. I love that it is promising, whimsical and adventurous. I also like that it’s a bit unpredictable maybe even surprising. But equally I love that it is an active word. It is possible to seek magic. Make magic happen. Spread some magic. Even learn magic.
But as I said previously stating that 2023 will be magical is not enough to make it magical. So I have gathered lots of ways to make the word work its magic in 2023. Here is my list. It includes a few more things that are private and will not be shared on the blog.
What will MAGIC look like in terms of goals and dreams in 2023:
Create Magic
- I will create magic through art.
This can be by taking take part in the100daychallenge, on creating christmas cards, or sharing another freebie calendar. - I will create a magical sweater or some jewelry.
As in previous years it has been helpful to have some sort of thing to wear to incorporate my word of the year. Either when I feel like I’ve lost it, when I need the power of it, when breath it. I have a sweater idea. But I also like the jewelry idea. Maybe I do both. - I will create three magical photographies.
In 2022 my photography has been a little scarce and I feel like I want to explore (ha!) more. I have some ideas I would like to try. This one, this one, this one. - I will create magic by writing.
Last year I had a dream. I woke up and knew it was a story idea. I got out of bed and scribbled it down so I do not forget. I did forget until I re-read my journal a couple of days ago. I won’t be able to write a book. But a short story might be an option. If I will ever share it? Not sure. But I want to try. Also I think another poem might be possible. And of course this will include the NaBloPoMo. I also have the feeling I should write a couple blogpost about magic and all its facets. - I will create a Pinterest board.
To get a feel for my word it has helped me to create a Pinterest board with all things that are magic, could be magi or are inspiring. I keep adding to it throughout the year. And it is a good source of inspiration when I’ve disconnected with my word.
Find Magic
- I will find magic in daily life.
Walking through life more mindful of magical situations, moments and objects. - I will find magic in books.
Reading fantasy books and discovering new series. I will also read three books that have “magic” in their title. - I will explore magic.
Mainly in nature and being outdoors by observing wild life, by looking closely at the season and the change, by breathing deeply and staring at the clouds. - I will find magic in transformation.
This is dedicated (again) to my fitness and health levels. And since I need a clearer action plan I put it out here- I will discover the magic of yoga and aim for twice a month.
- I will enjoy the magic of one detox week.
- I will value the magic of a sugar free month.
- I will walk an average of 6.000 steps each day and appreciate the magic of movement.
- I will pick up the hula hoop again and do 15 sessions à 15 min and magically manage to keep it up.
- I will work on my golfing game and enjoy that it is something the husband and I can do together.
- I will practice the magic of intuitive eating by giving it a try for at least a week for every quarter.
- I will find magic in my closet.
My plan is to find better and more outfits to wear and not just pick the same ones over and over.

Spread Magic
- I will pass on magic.
A simple card in the mail box full of invoices and advertisements is pure magic. I will send cards to people I love for birthdays, for anniversaries, for holidays. But I will also send cards to people who are lonely and who I do not know. There is a platform in Germany I use for that. - I will spread magic by volunteering and donating.
Of course this includes my annual shoe box tradition. But I will be open to other work if I can manage to fit it in. And I want to be donating again. - I will spread magic by commenting at blogs.
I want to dedicate time to comment at least every Sunday morning. - I will spread magic by creating magic moments.
Leaving little notes in library books, art pieces at random places, or creating fun pattern at the sea or with stones in the forest for other to find and hopefully enjoy.
Hope for Magic
- I will hope for magic when things seem dire.
This is mainly directed at our current apartment situation. I can use all the magic here. - I will believe magic exists in the most unexpected ways.
I know life will throw me curve balls. Here is to believing in magic. - I will hope for magical sleep in 2023.
Meaning I will track my sleep pattern, try to avoid stressful stretches of time (here is to hoping) and consult a doctor when I have something on paper to show.
Learn Magic
- I will educate myself in the magic.
of herbal treatments and natural remedies - I will learn more about the history of magic and witchcraft.
I know a little of what happened from school and some interest but there are probably many more layers. Like mainly know about Europe and western beliefs. I am sure there is more. Like voodo. Some asian version. - I will learn more about the magic of video making.
At heart I am a photography person. However video has some magic in it and for work it becomes more and more important. So my goal is to be open minded and try to make more videos, challenge myself and learn by recreating at least three videos that are inspiring. - I will learn one magic trick with cards.
This is random. I have no clue about magic tricks but it could be a good skill to possess. - I will experience the magic of speaking Spanish.
Enjoy Magic
- I will enjoy the magic of being with loved ones.
And truly listening to their stories and being attentive in the situation. Connection and real people are magic. - I will enjoy the magic of pain free/migraine free days.
Migraines will always be a part. So I will enjoy every pain free day. This does not count for sore muscles I gladly enjoy that pain. - I will enjoy the magic of new things I spend money on.
Often enough I buy something and then don’t appreciate it much more. I want to enjoy the magic of owning something new more, deeper, longer. - I will enjoy the magic of minimalism.
To do that I need to do some decluttering (I set the months of February to that) and dedicate the month of March to a no-spend-month. I will also try to sell at least 10 items on eBay. - I will enjoy the magic of time in the bath tub.
Knowing it is a luxury in current days with energy prices, sustainability reasons and such. For that I reduce my initial Sunday bath time to once a month.
Reading t through this list again it seems a bit overambitious. It might be. But how does the saying go? Shoot for the moon you may land among the stars. Here is to dreaming big, being bold and creating a magical 2023.
Let’s hear it: What are your dreams for 2023? Do you have a word for the year?
What a wonderful transformative word of the year! I hope this year is full of magic in all areas of your life!
Thank you Susanne. I am exciting on how the magic will play out in 2023.
Wow! This is a HUGE word to live out and I can’t believe how many layers you’ve found already. This is so impressive and inspiring, Tobia!
I don’t select a word of the year generally, but love following along with the experiences of those who do.
Happy New Year!
Thank you Elisabeth. It will be a challenging word but I feel it is the right one. It will challenge me. But I will grow. I am excited.
Happy New year to you too and I am glad we have met.
Love, love, love your word choice for the year! Magic holds so much potential and promise!!
Here’s to a magical year in all possible ways!
Thank you San. I am really excited about this one. Maybe not quiet as excited at the 2022 pick but how could I with waiting for magic.
Wishing you a magical 2023! Sounds like you are off to a good start ;) I love your word choice! I never thought about picking a word for the year but I like the idea.
It really is a very fun practice. And I have realized for myself that such a guiding word is really helpful. I can only recommend the Workbook if you want to choose one for yourself.
I will check that out, thank you!
Meike recently posted…Goodbye 2022, hello 2023
I love the word you selected! It has such potential in so many different ways – like you showed here, there are so many big and small ways to add magic to your life. I’m excited to see how you live out this word throughout 2023!
Stephany recently posted…Best of 2022 | A Month-by-Month Recap
Thank you Stephany. I am really excited to see where this work takes me.