August was a bit of a weird month. On one hand it flew by and on the other it felt so so long. What is it with the time weirdness when you get older? As a kid it was only that time was taking for ever to pass. Summers were long. Longer was the wait till the next birthday or Christmas. I never had the feeling it all went by in a blink of an eye.
Now it feels different. Slow and fast all in one moment. Maybe that in itself is already some sort of magic.
How I incorporated my word MAGIC in August
Let’s see where I cam across main in the past month.
- I found magic in books – mainly audio books. Some were magical.
- I saw magic when there was bright sunshine and heavy rain. The light was just out of this world.
- I stumbled across magic one morning being in the swamps while wildlife was busy waking up around me.
- We are excited for the magic of a vacation in October. Hotel ist booked. This weekend we will secure the flights.
- I found magic in a little library by taking a German classic home. Also dropped something off.
- I created magic by making my favorite summer dish and being invited to eat it at mom’s too.
- Also created the magic of comfort food by making Quarkkeulchen.
- I experienced the magic of gratefulness when I said my goodbyes at the port terminal knowing I won’t be back as the project comes to an end. I. may have squeezed out a few tears.
- I cherished the magic of a Social Media free Sunday.
- I appreciated the magic of having a friend over for co-working and a dip in the river during lunch break.
- I learned about the magic of shamanism by listening to an archeological excavation report.
- I found magic in a bathtub on a cold day.
- I enjoyed the magic of going to the movies.
- I spend a magic evening with my mom and my sister and also my dad who crashed the party.
- I enjoyed the magic of yoga. Not weekly but twice. Both times outside and once with a light drizzle.
- I discovered the magic of community by attending church and staying for some coffee afterwards and bing invited to two groups. Bonus: one was for people between 20-40. Should I tell them?!
- I spread magic by commenting on blogs again.
A magical image
I was either lucky and skilled enough to capture the magic of the moment my self or I share an image that really spoke to me.

I was shooting content for a client and these props caught my eye . Stopped and just snapped away because they were magical in their delicacy.
Blog post and internet snippets that are magic
I will share a few things I came across the internet every month. It is a nice thing to spread some magic from fellow bloggers and content creators.
- Did you know you can turn your handwriting into a font? It’s truly magical. I have done it but dont like mine as it looks ugly. May try again. Here is a sort of tutorial.
- There are people out there that finish craft projects of other people. Like when they deceased or can’t do it anymore due to sickness. Isn’t that such a great thing?
- Have you ever heard of seen “the mother of clouds“. if that isn’t magical I don’t know what is.
How I will experience MAGIC in September
Here is my list of magic I will try to find in September.
- I will enjoy the magic of my sister’s birthday. And my mother’s.
- I will enjoy the magic of being brave and go to one, maybe two church groups I was invited to.
- I will experience the magic of farewells and new beginnings.
- I will create magic by starting to think about Christmas cards and my freebie calendar.
- I will enjoy the magic of migraine free days.
- I will spread magic by leaving three little art works at random places.
- I will enjoy magical walks in nature and the change of the air as we had into fall.
- I will learn magic by booking one class at the local community college.
- I will appreciate the magic of less clutter and try to sell 3 things on eBay.
It feels like I am not really coming up wit many magical things for September. But it could be that I am just exhausted and grumpy after a full week of migraine. It doesn’t feel very magical right now. I am sure once I can think again and see a silver lining I can also see the magic.
How was your August magical? Do you know a magic trick? Do you have a magical remedy when you feel off?
How was your August magical? Hugging my friend whom I haven’t seen in a year- in Poland.
Do you know a magic trick? Meditation to help with anxiety.
Do you have a magical remedy when you feel off? Writing everything down, like, everything. Cleaning up my brain this way.
I love your answer about the magic trick. Not what I would expect but the answer isspoton.
How wonderful you got to hug your friend.
Oh, I got my handwriting turned into a font a long time ago. I completely forgot. I’d like to do it again because I think the actual typed text didn’t feel like my handwriting but I think it’s because some of the letters were done more carefully than when I write quickly, so it looked different.
I love how you keep applying the word magical to your month and how you find magical moments.
You are right. I think that was it. I was too careful to write it out. And it feels like the letters are not really connected and separate. I’ve installed a new scanner last night so maybe I’ll give it another go.
And thank you. It’s good exercise to be more mindful when I keep my word around like this.
Never tell them how old you are! For the rest of your life, you will be between 20-40!
Very good advise. And probably the best age I’ll ever be too.
This is a wonderful list! I hope now that we’re into September, you’re finding a lot of magical moments.
My magical remedy for when I feel off- a cup of hot tea. It’s so soothing!
No one would want my handwriting turned into a font, ha ha! It’s terrible. But it’s a cool idea (for other people.)
Well you could turn your handwriting into a font if you ever need to do a blackmail letter than. Ha!
Hot tea is a good magical remedy for sure.
September already had some special moments.