Just a few more hours and the first month of 2023 is already done. How did that happen? I read online that a lot of people thought the month of January dragged on and just didn’t want to end. Well, I didn’t have the feeling. One week in I was ready to take my end of year break. It seemed like the two week holiday break was snuffed out. Magically disappearing. That alone a magic January – but not like I wished for. But there were lots of better magical moments and I like to share the ones I remember. I am sure there were actually more.
How I incorporated my word MAGIC in January
Let’s see where I came across magic in the past month.
- I found magic climbing into a bed with crisp newly washed sheets.
- I enjoyed the magic of winter light hitting my shelf and illuminating the Christmas Tree.
- I found magic by introducing a new habit: Wednesday morning walks. The goal is to walk at least 30 minutes before work and not combine it with running an errand.
- I created magic by making a magic book mark.
- I enjoyed the magic of laughter with the husband on numerous occasions.
- I learned about the magic of different herbal teas by reading a book on healing herbal teas.
- I spread magic by attending my BIL’s introduction to his new congregation (he’s a pastor) and he wasn’t expecting us to show up for a church service and driving 878 km in 24 hours.
- I enjoyed magic when working together with my cousin at his trade fair show that was a huge success.
- I spread magic by an impromptu hospital visit to my friend who fractured her wrist and had surgery.
- I enjoyed my cousin’s visit one Sunday night. Finally happening which is pure magic. We live in the same city but last we’ve seen each other was 2019 in Lviv, Ukraine. As I said. Magic.
- I enjoyed the magic of dancing snowflakes. Just some tiny few ones but I saw them.
- I found magic in a belated Christmas letter that shed some light on my late godmother.
- I spread magic by commenting on 111 blog posts.
A magical image
Every month I will share a magic image. I was either lucky and skilled enough to capture the magic of the moment myself or I share an image that really spoke to me.

Blog posts and internet snippets that are magic
I will share a few things I came across the internet every month. It is a nice thing to spread some magic from fellow bloggers.
- I came across Kimi’s closet invantory and it is mind-blowing on so many levels.
I really want to tackle this big project now…I have bought this app on a whim and am starting a closet invantory. - Melissa suggested reading this article about “Treat your to-read pile like a river” and it is so true. I love the take aways.
- My friend Clare has had some rough time after pursuing her dream and now struggling financially and with the burden of having failed. Spread some magic and leave some encouraging words if you have a few minutes.
How I will experience MAGIC in February
- I will enjoy a magical anniversary week at our favorite place by the sea which is rightly located at “Glücksburg” – literally translated to “lucky castle”.
- I will found magic in books I am looking forward reading for uninterrupted time at the vacation.
- I will create magic by starting another 100 day project.
- I will create a my “magic sweater”. I have gathered some ideas on my magic Pinterest board.
- I will continue the magic of my morning walks.
- I will also continue my habit of no phone before 9 am at least one day a week and enjoy the magic of a slow morning,
- I will cherish the magic of my body and be more attentive of what it handles on a daily basis.
- I will experience the magic of good sleep.
- I will enjoy the magic of the sauna.
- I will dig deep and find magic hidden inside my closet.
And this is my magic January and my recap of the month. Off to February.
But before let’s hear it: What was magical to you in January? Did you experience a magical moment? Did you have a magical conversation? Did you spread some magic yourself? Or do you have magical plans coming up in February?
I love how you are operationalizing magic this year– so fun to read. I just followed you on IG :)
Oh how wonderful we found each other on Instagram too.
I do try to find ways to be reminded of my word throughout the year. So the first month usually have some crafting involved
Sounds like you had a really lovely January! I love the way you’re incorporating your word of the year into every moment of your month. That’s really cool. :)
Thank you Stephany. I feel it is a bit tougher with the word magic compared to previous words like grace. But it keeps me focused. I forgot, do you do a word of the year?
I love that you’re focusing on the word “magic,” and it sounds like you’re doing an incredible job of it so far!
Thank you Kate. The first month always is the easiest. Hoping I can incorporate it this way throughout the year.