It is Sunday morning while I type those words. July has two more days and will be over soon. This months has been a whirlwind with lots going on. For me it feels like the. first two weeks were so insanely busy and packed that I needed the following two weeks to get a grip on life and most of all my energy. I had forgotten how much being around people can drain me. So to get my batteries charged again – not sure I am fully there yet – took me some time. Everything is really slow right now while things are piling up on the to-do-list. But nevertheless it was a magic July.
How I incorporated my word MAGIC in July
Let’s see where I cam across main in the past month.
- I found magic in a cup of hot tea from my gathered herbs.
- I enjoyed the magic of being proud of myself.
- I found magic in thinking about myself as a photographer for the first time ever.
- I created magic by cleaning and tidying up my room. Almost all surfaces were empty. So much magic there.
- I observed magic by watching the many (old) couples on the cruise and how each one of them had a special love language. Some obvious, some very hidden and subtle. Very inspiring.
- I learned to appreciate the magic of thunderstorms. So, so many thunderstorms here. And the new apartment has a very wide view showing a lot of sky. I never had that in my life.
- I spread magic (maybe?) telling my sister about all the good books on my shelf. I might have been overwhelming though.
- I enjoyed the magic of company and a home cooked meal we whipped up.
- I celebrated magic when finishing my 100 day project.
- I found magic in my morning walks and some much needed naps.
- I heard magical news about a healthy little one joining our friends family.
- I learned magic by practicing Spanish daily and learning new words.
- I was surprised by magic when the husband ordered me pop tarts. I was literally shaking of excitement. I know…
- I learned the magic of Lightroom presets – ok I scraped the ice berg. So much more magic to learn here.
- I discovered magic in doing yoga. Twice. Please celebrate me. Ha.
- I spread magic by sending some cards from Southern France.
- I enjoyed some lunch magic by meeting a friend and trying out the Japanese deli in my parents street. So good.
- I enjoyed magic by experiencing new things.
- I experienced the magic of an 8 hour sleep one night.
- I spread magic by commenting on blog posts again.
A magical image
I was either lucky and skilled enough to capture the magic of the moment my self or I share an image that really spoke to me.

Finding this beautiful tranquil bench at the river wit this view.
Blog post and internet snippets that are magic
I will share a few things I came across the internet every month. It is a nice thing to spread some magic from fellow bloggers.
- I found this reel when dooms scrolling and its made me smile. That old guy trying to skip. hilarious. And the joy when es (almost) done it. I needed to skip after that too.
- 20 tiny habits to change your life. There is some real good advice here.
How I will experience MAGIC in August
- I will find magic in books again – its not been strong reading months lately.
- I will continue to explore the magic of yoga by doing it once a week. Here is a plan. Fingers crossed.
- I will gather magic by getting a few more herbs for my teas before we head into fall season.
- I will create magic by cooking my favorite summer dish.
- I will enjoy the magic of cashing in some vouchers. A boat ride with mom, maybe a
- I will seek magic by booking a vacation. We are thinking – for once going south. Some island. Maybe Mallorca – where I’ve never been so far. Maybe even finalizing our plans of next years vacation over your 10th anniversary.
- I will find magic in biking to the little library that I discovered while browsing google maps.
- I will enhance the magic of minimalism by selling stuff on eBay. Three full moving boxes plus a wedding dress. Let’s see if I can reduce it to two by end of August.
- I will get ready for magical job opportunities by revising my portfolio, website and CV.
- I will find magic in my many cook books and try something new.
- I will find magic in a Social Media free Sunday and re-establish the habit.
- I will enjoy magic by inviting a friend for co-working and having a dip in the river during lunch.
I am very blesses. So much Magic in July and I have a feeling August will be wonderful too.
What was magical to you in July? What does magic define for you? Is food magical to you? When was the last time you slept 8 hours? Do you write postcards when on vacation?
I clicked on the 20 tiny habits and laughed at the comments where a disagreement broke out about drinking water right before meals. It just goes to show that people on the internet can argue about anything!
Nicely done finding the magic in the every day. You’re an inspiration!
Yes, we can discuss everything. I wished it would just e about when to drink water because here disagreement really is not important… Sigh…
Thank you, It is a good practice and at times a challenge finding all the little magical things.
I love that you’ve been intentional in finding magic in the small things of life. One thing that’s been magic for me this month is I’ve been reading through the classic Beatrix Potter stories with my boys. Seeing them discover classic literature is absolutely magical!
I habe Never heard of Beatrix Potter. Have to have a look at her. Reading time with the boys must be magical. Such a great age for discovering stories.
She’s an English author from the early 20th century, with beautiful stories about rabbits and other woodland creatures. My boys love them.
I saw my library has some of her books in English or German. I will check one out if I feel like a book hug is in need ☺️
You had a great month, and your magic is so available to all of us, to find the magic in our lives. I was thinking about that yesterday, about how very fortunate I am in so many ways. That doesn’t mean life isn’t hard sometimes, or that I haven’t had devastating losses. Just that there is magic there too. Thank you for the reminder!
Your post about doing yoga motivated me to get back into it. I do a video on YouTube 4 days a week, usually 25-35 minutes, and it really helps. Sitting all day for work can be rough, so it’s great to have this way to start the day.
Thank you. How lovely that I helped you find your own magic. And congrats on the yoga habit. I only managed once a week so far but it’s much better than none. Now you inspire me to make it twice a week.
Yay for doing more yoga (and planning to continue it!). Just 10 minutes can be such a mood booster( or calmer ;)) for me.
I am also excited about 8 hours of sleep. I know you have trouble with this sometimes, right? I don’t often get 8 hours (well, sometimes on the weekends) but I don’t have trouble sleeping either. I usually average 7.5 hours.
I still write postcards on vacation. I think it’s still a fun thing to do. And who doesn’t like to get postcards?
Yes, trying to settle in somewhat of a routine with yoga. Hopefully it sticks.
I agree everyone like receiving postcards. Unfortunately not many write them.
I love this so much. You could have said “I enjoyed reading. I enjoyed my tea. I enjoyed doing yoga…” but you went a step further and found magic in these things. It’s a great reminder to focus and be more present, because that’s when the magic happens! Now I’m looking forward to a “magic in August” post.
Thank you so much. It is a sort of mindful practice to find the magic but also using such a word.
I already have a few magical
Moments for August. Need to write it down.