March started with a bang. And not really a positive one. More one of those bangs that pull the ground under your feet. Leave you stumbling, falling, grabbing for something. So to find magic was a real challenge. But it wouldn’t be life if there weren’t obstacles to climb over, peak around the boulders in our way and see the good in the dark. And so I went looking for a tiny sliver of magic in March.
How I incorporated my word MAGIC in March
Let’s see where I cam across M A G I C in the past month.
- I appreciated the magic of close knit family that cheers you up when being down.
- I found magic in an evening with friends and good conversation.
- I enjoyed the magic of a perfectly quiet moment. No noise no sound just blissful silence.
- I observed magic by cloud watching one Saturday afternoon.
- I found magic in laughter with my husband.
- I created magic by making granola bars.
- I enjoyed the magic of libraries by working there twice.
- I spread magic by hiding five notes in library books.
- I enjoyed the magic of getting to know someone new and getting a glimpse into her world.
- I learned to appreciate the magic of the internet.
- I enjoyed the magic of that first sip of coffee in the morning.
- I made magic in form of a whole jar of freshly baked cookies.
- I experienced the magic of a 7 hour nights sleep.
- I enjoyed the magic of many after lunch naps.
- I spread magic by commenting on blog posts.
A magical image
I was either lucky and skilled enough to capture the magic of the moment my self or I share an image that really spoke to me.

One day I went out to drop something off at the post office and decided to take the long route home. I needed some cold wind in my face. So glad I did as I was rewarded with a beautiful sunset. I took a gazillion pictures and was sad to not have the real camera with me. However that sliver of time where I got lost in photography was great. And then I came across a broken glass (of a phone booth… anyone remember those?) and needed to experiment a bit with the depth of field.
How I will experience MAGIC in April
- I will enjoy the magic of working from the library.
- I will cherish the magic of Easter and traditions old (my Braided Easter Bread) and new.
- I will enjoy the magic of taking myself to lunch at a new place. Maybe twice.
- I will spread magic by saving food through the to-good-to-go app.
- I will learn the magic of meal planning and maybe prepping.
- I will create magic by continuing my art project.
- I will enjoy the magic of books.
- I will the time in this apartment and neighborhood by saying properly farewell.
- I will buy magic by cashing in my local book shop voucher.
What was magical to you in January? Let me know one thing in the comments.
It has been such a difficult stretch of time for you, but I love how you’re so intentional about finding ways to incorporate this annual theme of Magic in and through your days.
I hope April brings some wonderful memories and more opportunities to create magic <3
It’s been hard at times focusing on the good but those times are exactly the ones it is necessary.
April has two family gatherings planned so that will be fun and I look forward to them.
I’m glad you were able to find magic, even in hard times.
That’s really a great photo. A phone booth! If I saw a functional one, I would absolutely be shocked and probably take a photo of it!
NGS recently posted…6.2 Entertainment – 2023 March Book List
I was very surprised too. I did. take a picture to show how I created but I can’t even say if there was still a phone inside…
I just love seeing how you incorporate magic into your life, even when it’s not easy, even when life feels anything but magical. That photograph is truly magical — and what a stunning metaphor, to see the shining and the beautiful even through something that is broken.
Suzanne recently posted…Low, Ham Sandwich, Disturbing Development, Dinners This Week
Oh that metaphor… I didn’t think of it but it is so true for the month of March. Thank you. Happy Easter to you
We were in Hawaii a couple of years ago, and came across some working phone booths. They were not glass, they were metal, but the phones actually worked! It was shocking, and we did take a picture.
I’m glad that you are finding magic in the world around you, and the world within. You are in the middle of an unpleasant and difficult transition, so finding some joy is good self-care.
Oh so Hawaii still has some. very interesting. I think if you start looking for it you can find them. I seem to remember that the national phone company discontinued the service this or last year here in Germany. But there were only relicts. Now it’s the booth without phone that you see around. Some are turned into little libraries.
Thank you for your lind words. It is a sort of self-care to find the good things in times of uproot and trouble.
Well, I had to get caught up here and just read about your apartment problem- UGH. I guess you’ll be moving out and I’m very sorry you’re going through this! I hope it’s resolved soon.
It’s an inspiration to read how you still found magic in a very stressful month. I like how you said you spread magic by commenting on blog posts. It’s reminding me to catch up on some blogs that I haven’t been reading lately and spread some magic of my own. Good luck, Tobia!
Ah thank you Jenny. It’s been tough lately I won’t lie. But in all this there is still magic. Just gotta dig deeper. I am so far behind on your blog.
I think the way you are searching for magic in everyday, and using its light to see you through these really hard days, is amazing. Many (most?) people would just give up … yet you are determined to make good memories, and to make your time in your special place even MORE special. <3
It still sucks, though – there is no other word for it. And I'm sorry that you're dealing with it. I'm sorry that unreasonable people still have influence over our lives. And I'm sorry that you'll have to leave a place that you love. I know you'll leave with wonderful memories, though – and that is all your doing. <3
Thank you Anne. Your words mean a lot. I often enough feel like the negativity is all I see. It’s not easy right now but it’s not gonna hold me back. So glad I can vent here and have my lovely support group of friends