Christmas has come and gone and we are in the space between the years. Before it is all in the past I want to share about my Christmas 2024 and also – just like last year – add a list at the end to record all my received presents.
Christmas has been good this year.
The husband and I spent it with my family in the country home.
Quick reminder: In Germany the main happenings are on Christmas Eve. That is Christmas for me. Christmas Day is a a holiday and so is the 26th. So it’s a three day celebration.
On Christmas Eve Eve I set up our Christmas tree and then decorated it. I always have real candles but as of last year I am also adding some LED lights. Those I lit that day. The candles not as it was not yet Christmas. The husband started working on your Christmas letter – a 10+ page newsletter we sent out to friends and family.

On the morning of Christmas Eve we went to meet up with my family in the country home. I had a terrible night, was tired and when the husband got up I fell asleep again. I was slow. I should have known it was the foreshadowing of a migraine…. sigh. Anyways we left an hour later than planned. But we made it only minutes after my sister and her boyfriend arrived.
After getting settled we had some home made noodle soup which was the best. After that my dad started preparing dinner. We always have “Backschinken” – some special sort of ham in bread dough. I need to share more on that here and I keep planning to do so but never get around. Maybe next year for NaBloPoMo (please remind me). My parent’s Christmas tree was almost decorated and we only had to do some finishing touches. My husband kept writing on our letter, we chatted and had coffee.
At around 3pm we all got ready for church and dressed up. The husband doesn’t join us and his job is making sure dinner is perfectly cooked – and he probably enjoys some 90 minutes of solitude.
Church service was fine, we sang a lot and even an English song. The sermon wasn’t too good but oh well. After church we went home. Lots of hugs and kisses and Merry Christmases. After opening the presents from my parents we had dinner.

After dinner I made some elderberry punch and then we settled around the couch table and started the second part of the gift giving. We kids & significant others handed out our presents. This time we all watch while opening them. It’s always fun.
Once we were done we started reading through all the Christmas mail my parents received. Usually my dad or mom would read it aloud for everyone. Once we were done it was close to midnight and we started heading off to bed. The husband and I finalized our Christmas letter.
On Christmas Day we had a lazy morning with sleeping in. No breakfast – we just had some candy and coffee and at 1pm we had the traditional geese with red cabbage, kale, dumplings. My aunt joined us this year as her kids were otherwise occupied wither extended family or not in town.
The day was rounded out with some games, more food and in the evening a walk around the block.
Unfortunately I had a migraine all through both days. Finally the medicine worked at night of Christmas Day and it got better. I was able to join in the last Yatzhe game. My first throw of dice I said I will have a yatzhe with all ones. And believe it or not but I sure did that. First throw, all ones with claiming it beforehand. My dad immediately calculated the possibility. I forgot but it was something in the 7000’s.
We left Second day of Christmas to get back home.
I have been spoiled with a bunch of presents. I decided to log it all down here because I might need to remember.
Here is a list in no specific order:
- From my friend: Blue nail polish, tea and some candy
- My secret Santa: a mug with a reindeer, candy, a candle holder, little white house and a bowl
- My godchild: a felted orange star
- leather jacket
- Swarovski earrings and necklace
- Kombucha set
- colored pencils (50 pastel colors)
- my moms newest book
- a book by John Grisham
- money
- cocktail book & liquor
- book mark
- cryo treatment
- tickets to an ice hockey game
- soap
- candy
- round puzzle, 800 pieces
Now we are back and my cherished time the “in between the years” is in full swing. We enjoy your time just with the two of us and lots of puzzling, reading, movies, and reflecting. I still need to find my word for 2025. I have a contender but I am not sure it is yet the perfect word.
How was your Christmas? What did you have to eat? Did you spend it at home and hosted family or did you go some place? What is the favorite thing you unwrapped?
I’m so sorry you had to deal with a migraine, Tobia. Your Christmas tree is so beautiful! Your Christmas traditions sound so lovely. My Christmas was quiet. My parents came down with Covid on the 23rd, so we didn’t get together. They live close to me, so I see them often – but missing them on Christmas was a letdown.
Oh no I am so so sorry they had Covid over the holidays. That is no fun for either of you.
Hope they are doing better now.
Thank you. I do love my Christmas tree and the white silver gleam it gives.
Christmas was wonderful but I could have forgone the migraines. Luckily while annoying they weren’t as severe this time.
I’m sorry that you had a migraine both days, that sounds horrible. I’m glad that you managed to have a good time anyway. Christmas with friends and family is wonderful.
We spent Christmas Eve at home, Christmas Day at my in-laws, and then the day after we relaxed some more. Now I have a head cold. Bah.
Bahhhh who needs a cold. But I guess better after Christmas.
Yes, the migraine sucked and I could have done without. And I probably should have taken medicine earlier but I felt like it wouldn’t help – hormone migraines rarely do get better with my triptans.
Your Christmas sounds fun too and relaxing is always good. Enjoy your break.
Happy belated Christmas! It sounds like you had a very fun time with your family and it was a full three days!! I also am amazed that you write a ten page note! This year I had trouble with that, so I just wrote a quote on mine. I was not feeling super motivated to do a big card this time.
Merry belated Christmas to you.
I did have some fun family time. The note was never intended to be that long but over the years it as always been around this amount of pages. There are photos in there and the husband is brilliant in writing entertaining stories 8as he should as being a creative copywriter).
I think the thought counts. If it is only a quote you still took the time to write it, pick the card, get stamps and drop it off.
That is a long update, but what a gift to have that as a keepsake from each year to summarize all the adventures and happenings.
Your tree really is stunning. I love the colour scheme and it looks so festive and cheery, while also clean and minimalist in a happy way.
Merry Christmas <3
Yes this was a very long and detailed update. Some editing would have been a good choice but I was lazy and still in chill mode. Thank you for reading anyways.
I am happy to hear you like my tree. I really do love the color scheme and am always happy when I see it.
Your Christmas tree is GORGEOUS! And so are all the beautifully wrapped presents underneath. It looks like the perfect Christmas postcard!
I’m sorry you had to deal with a migraine during the festivities. What a bummer.
Thank you so much. I love my Christmas tree. The presents were only there for about 12 hours since we traveled but the do make a nice photos.
Getting a migraine over Christmas is a bummer. A belated Merry Christmas to you. I’m glad you were at least able to be with your family, and received some lovely presents … and one amazing round of yahtzee!
The Yahtzee was the cherry on top after a crappy day. So it was fun. Overall it was a Bice Christmas but I am sure I wasn’t much fun to be around with my annoyed/stressed/pained face mimics.
I am so late with my reaction. Happy belated Christmas! many wonderful gifts from your family :)) I got a paper book, a mug with some tea, chocolates… All good things. The kids, of course, got a lot but also things that they will play with/have for a while. I hope your migraine ease up a bit soon.
Thank you Daria. What book did you receive? I love getting tea.