This months has a few days on the clock and I finally take the time to sit down, to reflect and reevaluate. June was a busy month. Once again I didn’t get everything done – some I didn’t start. But then, they weren’t that important, right?

Contribution to goal #1
♥ Back to basics. Less candy, cake and sugar. Maybe less carbs at night. Mhm I don’t think this was the case.
♥ lets stay honest. No candy won’t work but maybe only ice cream. More salad and less carbs. Always try again right? However I have to admit I am a bit frustrated.
Contribution to goal #2
♥ I will work on it. There were bad days. But I had a few good ones too.
♥ And again, a goal I always can improve that’s hard to measure.
Contribution to goal #3
♥ I admitted to myself I hate cleaning. I hate doing the work but love the result. And I hate my bitching about it and being all grumpy. So I seriously considering a maid. This I my months goal. Find cleaning aid! It started yesterday trying out one service. And when the everyday chores don’t get in the way I might actually get some deep cleaning and decluttering done. I hope all works out how I plan and we live a cleaner life with less stressing. Being away most the weekends didn’t help. I don’t want a cleaning maid in my apartment when I am not around.
♥ Last month goal is this months goal. Find aid because we’ll not gonna make it on our own.
♥ take those cleaned out clothes (remember February?!) to the Salvation Army.
Contribution to goal #4
♥ I will bake three new cakes this month at least. So I catch up big time. I also want to get back to cooking more. Maybe I will get to it. I did bake a lot. And I tried even more recipes. I made an interesting cake with semolina for my work buddies and then some really yummy macadamia cupcakes and a really great take on the classical strawberry cake. I also tried my hand in ice cream making: current fave peanut butter ice cream
♥ We are invited for a BBQ and traditionally I am responsible for dessert. And I want to make one other recipe from my many books.
Contribution to goal #5
being realistic, not gonna make it this month
Contribution to goal #6
♥ keep reading this new book. I am still not done.
♥ I got a great book (The creative habit, by Twylar Tharp) for my birthday which will definitely be read this month. Haven’t started its a book for vacations where you’ve got lots of time to ponder over the written words.
♥ same as June.
Contribution to goal #7
♥ I think it’s only hubby’s bday and I rather bake a cake than write a card. I know, I know pushing hard screwing up on goal #1. Not even cake for him. Uups.
♥ write postcards when on vacay. No birthdays I know of.
Contribution to goal #8
♥ It’s blogtacular month so it’s my ultimate blogging month. It may not show on the blog but I will meet friends, make friends, be inspired, be scared and overwhelmed, find new motivation and discover new ways. I am sure in the long run this blog will see it. I did go to blogtacular and I did have a lot of fun but I have to be honest: I didn’t get that much out of it as I have expected or wished for. Hence the missing recap. However I took part in an awesome webinar and spend 30$ on a party bundle with lots of fun stuff in it. I believe it has more value for me than the conference.
♥ start reading the party bundle and implement the things I learned.
Contribution to goal #9
♥ Maybe get around to do some fabric printing or sewing?! None of the above.
♥ sewing?
♥ sketchnoting. I started the July challenge from Tanja.
Now, let’s head over to see the goals of my friends:
Happy goal hustling,