Oh hello July… where did you come from? June was a wild ride with lots of exciting things, fun stuff, new challenges and overall a lot of sunshine, amazing thunderstorms, long days, more work and some wonderful gatherings. Let’s dive into my Shaping Happiness in June review, shall we?
How I incorporated my word SHAPE in June
Shaping Life and Happiness
- I celebrated a very nice birthday.
- I did vote in the European Elections even though the outcome made me depressed and speechless.
- I started my work for the hospital and it is very exhilarating. It’s great to be back working and creating.
- I have spend so much time on our terrace enjoying my little fountain, doing yoga, reading and just being.
Shaping Health and Body
- I walked 155.7 kilometers and an average of 5,706 steps daily in June. Four days I hit the 10.000 steps goal. (This is about 1000 steps less than last year. I knew summer is doing that to me but I need to keep going here. However I also oped a few days to not wear my watch around the house so its slightly more… Still.)
- I managed to close my Apple Watch rings four times.
- I danced 17 days with an average of 10 minutes and a total of 2 hours and 50 minutes.
- I did 9 yoga sessions and a total of 4hours and 22 minutes.
- I did 8 weight lifting sessions and a total of 1 hour and 50 minutes
- I rode my bike 11 times and a total of 30 kilometers usually to run errands or get places.
- I managed to sleep one night for more than 8 hour. Three ten nights over seven hours. Comparing to May this is a significant drop again. Sigh… I did have a night of 4,5 hours and many with 5 hours.
Shaping Mind & Soul
- I did a few lunchtime walks – but had hoped for more to be honest.
- I explored a new path in the woods and it was beautiful.
- I did pay more intention on finding shape quotes but most of them were literal descriptions of shape and those don’t really are the gems. It is hard finding good one that are a bit more … non-literal /meta.
- I did one Social Media free Sunday ad another almost phone free Sunday.
Shaping Relationships
- I saw my best friend and as always time flies when we are talking. Good think I am seeing her today again before she is busy with summer vacation.
- I spent two days with dad this month. And I gloriously lost in chess again.
- I had an amazing Date Day with the husband at the horse racing tracks.
- I worked on the church website and volunteered my time taking photos.
- I welcomed my sister and her boyfriend one afternoon and we chilled on the terrace.
- I went to the theater with my godchild and afterwards she spend the night at our house. Loved it.
- I commented on over hundred blogposts in June.
- I attended my cousins daughter baptism and it was a wonderful service. Added bonus I got to catch up with some other cousins and their families and see my aunt and uncle too.
Shaping Home
- I ordered a cover for the outdoor lounge.
- I also ordered two outdoor carpets to make it cozy. I am not 100% convinced it is practical though. We’ll see.
- I did research sun umbrellas but we are not sure about those yet.
- I did manage to get the kitchen fixed. However it may require a follow up. Also the floor guys didn’t make an appointment yet.
- I ordered the magnetic wall frames. And while doing so realized I don’t have that many pieces to hang…
- I dropped off two cook books in the little free library at church. And I admit I only did it because it was on this list.
Shapes in the wild
I am on a hunt to find shapes in the places around me. Here is one I found.

The district office where I dropped off our ballots for the EU election and also quickly gotten my ID card activated for digital identification. Without appointment. Yeah me.
How I will SHAPE life and happiness in July
- Shaping Life and Happiness I will travel to Hamburg for a trade show and maybe add a dinner with friends? I am invited to a summer party at my new job. I will dabble in AI videos. I will enjoy ice cream guilt free (but will try to reduce portion size).
- Shaping Health and Body I will shape my healthy eating by incorporating as many salads as possible and try new recipes. Will you join me? A Cool Bloggers Summer Salad Challenge? I will continue to strive for three days of yoga a week. I will work on my push-up skills. Today I am capable of doing zero.
- Shaping Mind & Soul I will go swimming. I will create a sun print. I will find a piece of wood I can shape. I will read books as every month and attend our book club meeting with special guest Laurie Frankel. I will gather a few leaves and herbs for my teas. I will buy myself flowers.
- Shaping Relationships I will see my dad. I will spend a day with my niece and nephew. I will meet my friend for lunch. I will convince the husband for a tiny date day. I will spend a day with my godchild maybe even have a sleep-over. I will go to the meeting of our church group.
- Shaping Home I will start hanging my picture wall and figure out new pieces to add. We will find a solution for the sun umbrella. We will reserve and order the bathroom mirror.I will continue pestering my landlord with the things that need fixing. I will need to add things to eBay (kindle, suitcases, mirrors, shoeboxes…)
How many friends have you met in June? How are you going to shape July? How is your physical shape? And what about your mental shape? When did you last see your cousins? Will you join me in the Cool Bloggers Summer Salad Challenge (CBSSC)?
So many happy things happening on your terrace! Love it.
I love salads but our summer menu is so hit-and-miss (and we’re going to be away from home a lot), that alas I don’t think I summer Salad Challenge is in the cards for me this year, but what a great idea!
Also, how do you keep track of how many comments you leave in a month?
Oh I am sure it’s hot and miss for me too because even if I want to make a specific salad I won’t have all things on hand unless I plan… something I am not too good at.
Yes the terrace is a happy place right now.
Oh, and about the comments, I do have a list where I manually note it.
June shaped up into a nice month for you! You did many fun things and took good care of yourself. My physical shape is pretty poor, but riding my tricycle is helping already! My mental state is better at the moment. I think July will be hot, so I’ll be in the shape of a melted puddle on the floor! Yes to eating salads! Cold salads!
Happy to hear your mental shape is good. And if the tricycle is already providing fun the physical part may catch up. I will be a puddle shape too for the coming months. So yes, definitely cold salads.
It looks like June was a pretty good month for you. I’m so glad work is going well for you and you are really enjoying it. That’s so wonderful. Physically I haven’t been great the last couple of months with the migraines, stress fracture and now I have to see the gyno. I’m still managing to get to the gym at least 2 -3 times a week though. Mentally I’ve been pretty good.
I am sorry you are struggling with your physical shape. It is tough. At least mental all is well.
Yes, June was pretty good. Found some new energy. Let’s hope it stays. July – September are my peak migraine months so I really need to take it slow and give myself enough recovery time when I powered through. Not always easy.
You’re patio is gorgeous and I am so happy that you’re spending so much time out there. That definitely would make me happy as well. And I am glad to hear you’re enjoying your new job with the hospital. The feeling of accomplishment can be such a happiness boost.
It’s been raining the whole week and I couldn’t use the terrace and I miss it. Hopefully the weekend will be better. I need some reading time outside.
It’s definitely fun to get a boost in energy and confidence.
Lovely to read about how you shaped happiness in June and what you are planning for July. I would totally join you for the salad challenge! I love eating salads but not making them ;) I’m in the same situation with terrace- my patio gets used every day, multiple times. Today it’s 38C outside so only in the morning and evening. It is so humid and stuffy, I am hiding inside.
Oh that is ver hot. We had broke 30 today and it was very sauna like outside but now it has rained so a cool breeze is coming in. Your terrace/patio looks also very comfy. Happy to hear your get a lot of usage out of it too. Yeah for salads. I agree it can be tedious work to prepare it.
It’s been really hot here for several days, and I dislike it. About 30-40c. When it’s only a day or two I don’t mind so much, but it’s been almost a week now. I am dreading our electric bill. Also our water bill, trying to keep the plants alive.
Great job on shaping joy! I’m so impressed with your efforts, and how well they are paying off. I’m doing great with yoga every day, but have slacked off a bit on strength training. I need to be consistent with that.
I am so so impressed that you are killing your yoga routine. There are days were I can not find any energy.
And then all in the heat.
In Germany air conditioning is not a huge thing but with 40 degrees I might want one too. But yes, the electric bill will
Be no fun.