Shaping happiness in March felt easy. So many good even great things happened and I feel like it’s been a good month. A happy month. Keep those coming. I did have a few dark days of course and some gloomy thoughts but today is not the time and place to scribble those down. We are here for happiness. So let’s dive in.
How I incorporated my word SHAPE in March
Shaping Life and Happiness
- I have written 23 job and project applications, had three interviews. Nothing yet but at least I am trying and putting some waves in and get talking.
- I have shaped my finances by being on a no buy month – more or less. I have not bought books or other things I wanted. Only some flowers for easter and some pastries for dad and I.
Shaping Health and Body
- I walked 183.4 kilometers and an average of 7.399 steps daily in March. Six days I hit the 10.000 steps goal.
- I managed to close my Apple Watch rings three times and was very very close two other days.
- I did my core fitness challenge most days that was more a butt leg thing but ok.
- I reduced my sugar intake (I didn’t manage the sugar free attempt but it is okay.)
- I did six yoga sessions and a total of 208 minutes.
- I took two naps.
- I feel fitter than I have a couple month ago which is a big win.
- I’ve only had one tiny migraine attack that was gone within hours.
- I got creative on m nails and painted dots on them.
Shaping Mind & Soul
- I went for two Mornings Walk and a lot of lunch time walks.
- I rode the bike through the Forest after Good Friday Service and just acknowledging my sadness.
- I continued my 100 day project.
- I read books and listened to audio books that uplifted and educated me.
- I listened to many podcasts and attended a number of webinars.
Shaping Relationships
- Did a date day with the husband and loving it.
- Saw my dad almost weekly during is recovery and spending whole days with him chatting.
- Saw my sister and her family twice this month.
- I hosted my godfather and his wife for a cake and coffee date at our home.
Shaping Home
- Cleaned two thirds (it is huge!) of the terrace (including getting rid of the Christmas tree).
- Bought two new plants for my terrace garden (a hollyhock, a sorrel).
- Cleaned half a window (only inside).
- Finally hang up all my jewelry on the displays I had installed.
- Cleaned, decluttered and tidied up my craft lab.
- Did lots of cleaning in the house.
- Sold three books on eBay and have currently listed 27 articles.
Shapes in the wild
I am on a hunt to find shapes in the places around me. Here is one I found on the ceiling of my sister’s apartment building. I found many more shapes this month but I write a separate post on it.

How I will SHAPE life and happiness in April
- Shaping Life and Happiness I will go to the book flee market at the library in the old neighborhood – with a budget of 5€. I will research vacation spots for our annual trip. Thinking of Denmark.
- Shaping Health and Body I will keep increasing my fitness level by incorporating some arm exercises. I will strive for three days of yoga weekly. I will continue a reduced sugar diet to keep the migraines low.
- Shaping Mind & Soul I will continue my 100 day project. I will start reading in my herbal apothecary book. I will spend time outside. I will be hunting for triangle shapes this month. I will do a photo walk through that cute little neighborhood with the crooked houses.
- Shaping Relationships I will see my friend. I will spend time with my parents after their surgeries. I will host my cousin and her family one afternoon. I will send out five birthday cards one for a 40th birthday. I will surprise my aunt on her birthday. I will read more blogposts and comment more.
- Shaping Home I will read books from my shelves that I know I won’t keep and drop them at the free library after. I will grow my terrace garden and get that in shape. I will clean windows (hopefully all of them). I will continue to sell on eBay. I will order terrace furniture or at least decide what we want. I will contact the landlord trying to have the open issues fixed.
What has shaped your March? How is your shape? How do you shape your relationships? Do you have a favorite shape?
You’re doing such a good job of focusing on health and wellness during this time off. Go you!!
Thank you Engie. I just wish the scale would acknowledge my time too…
I love these posts. Do you think the improved migraine issue is from the limited sugar? I think that would be a great motivator for me! I’m glad you had lots of happiness in March, I hope for even more in April. :)
It’s been the third time I reduced sugar and had less attacks. So even though I don’t want it to be true I think it’s save to say it has an effect. Of what I understand it’s the minimized insulin spikes that helps. I also heard about studies of migraine patients and a keto diet that did wonders. I’ve half heartedly tried it and I’ve felt better too…
So if you need motivation I’d say yes it works. Test it out.
I’m so glad that you had a mostly happy March! It’s wonderful that you only had one migrane attack, and so interesting that sugar may be a trigger. You have lots of nice plans for April, and I hope it’s another happy month for you!
I love the photo of the ceiling shapes and I’m looking forward to your post about more shapes in the wild!
The shape post is coming but I need to finish the book post first. So a little more patience.
I am hoping April will be as kind and happy. And I hope it’s a happy month for you as well.
Sugar can apparently have a bad influence. Not sure I want to call it a trigger but definitely enhancing or accelerating it.
I love how you’re being so intentional with your word, and doing so well. My friend almost completely cut out sugar and her migraines were much better, but yes, it is hard to do. Probably a major thing shaping my months at the moment is marathon training, as it takes up a bit of time and quite a lot of my small amount of available energy. Our holidays also shaped our March because we had our trip to Tasmania, Labor day weekend and Easter, so routines were a bit all over the place.
Yes March was packed with holiday and exciting adventures for you and your family. No wonder routines went out the window.
Wishing you all the best for marathon training.
It is much harder keeping this word on the for front. Grace or Magic were much easier but I am trying to and it does have effects, I can see and feel it so yeah.
You’ve had a great March, Tobia. You were so active and creative and got to spend time with family. You really put your word to use!
Thank you San. I am trying. This word requires more effort for me but I knew that going in.