Even though NaBloPoMo is over I have to post my shaping happiness in November post on the first. So I keep going for at least 31 days in a row. After that I will take a break but I do have many more ideas for December. We’ll see how that goes. But for now we have a look back into November. Probably not many goals have been crossed of with all the blog shenanigans going on but here is the closer look.
How I incorporated my word SHAPE in November
Shaping Life and Happiness
- We have booked our anniversary trip to Gdansk and a few days on the island of Usedom. It will be a longer trip than the past years. I am so so excited for those travel plans. Let’s hope there will be snow in Gdansk because it looks beautiful. If you have any tips let me know.
- I signed us up for the family reunion in 2026.
- I also booked a night in the hotel my uncle his having his 70th birthday. I am looking forward seeing some cousins and have a chat. It is always fun.
- Unfortunately I didn’t quite get my admin month moving but I splurged on a 50% deal on my book keeping software and move things more into the digital area.
Shaping Health and Body
- I walked 123 kilometers and an average of 5.832 steps daily in November. Three days I hit the 10.000 steps goal.
- I managed to close my Apple Watch rings only one time (and then barely).
- I did eight meditations. This wasn’t as successful as I had hoped.
- I went for daily walks but for two days when I didn’t go out at all. One day I just rode my bike but I am counting that. Happy with this.
- I did six yoga sessions and a total of 2 hours and 46 minutes.
- I did one weightlifting session with higher weights and I am feeling it.
- I took a 5km bike ride.
- I took one… maybe two naps.
- I cut sugar from my diet. I had the occasional brioche bread with a drizzle of honey. And I had semolina with cinnamon sugar. Everything else I really cut out and had only had one tiny migraine in November. I hate that it has so much impact. I love cake. Sigh.
Shaping Mind & Soul
- I went for two Mornings Walks one ending in a dog (owner) induced panic attack.
- My sister and I did your annual volunteering.
- I spent some wonderful weekend in the country with sauna and walks.
- I made an advent wreath for my mom. And just realized I have not shared a wreath tutorial for the first time this blog exists. Upps.
- I joined the associations annual member meeting together with my mom and it gave me hope that there are still people fighting for democracy, diversity and for a better life.
Shaping Relationships
- We had another date day – at home – which was fun and relaxed. Post to follow.
- I participated in NaBloPoMo and finished it. I am especially proud to have been so constant with commenting (560 comments in November). It was an effort but so worth it.
- I had a fun date with my best friend and her husband and we walked the divide of the former Berlin Wall.
- I had a long face time call with my friend when we had to cancel our monthly breakfast meeting.
- I saw my dad – unfortunately only for a brief moment fur lunch because of the flat tire but it was fun.
- I had a book club meeting.
- I had two English sessions – which I take for the people and to chat rather than learning English.
- I met an old high school friend for breakfast.
- I joined a virtual networking event it was really uplifting as I got to talk to two inspiring people.
- I had a coffee call with a member from my AI workshop and we talked for almost two hours. It was really great and we have decided to have two regular AI co-working sessions per month starting January.
Shaping Home
- I sold two or three things on ebay.
- We ordered a mirror for the master bathroom.
- We have a new TV and are very happy. We wanted to get one last year during Black Friday sales but figured we push it to see if we can make it another year. We did.
Shapes in the wild
I am on a hunt to find shapes in the places around me. Here is one I found.

he view from my yoga mat with the lamp I gotten in last years Black Friday Sale.
How I will SHAPE life and happiness in December
- Shaping Life and Happiness I will enjoy the advent season to the fullest. We will go Christmas tree cutting (a first for me) with my sister and her boyfriend.
- Shaping Health and Body I will continue daily walks. I will try to do a small exercise from my health insurance app daily. I will not eat cookies/candy if I have not done a daily walk or the exercise. I will try to enjoy the cookies one at a time and try to reduce the amount I eat. Be more mindful.
- Shaping Mind & Soul I will read Christmas stories. I will attend all Sunday church services till Christmas. I will go to a Christmas concert. I will find a word of the year. I will sit down and reflect on the past year.
- Shaping Relationships I will celebrate a birthday. I will see my best friend. I will create and send Christmas cards. I will celebrate Christmas with my family. I will celebrate New Years with the husband.
- Shaping Home I will decorate the home. I will do a deep clean beginning of my vacation. I will need to winterize the terrace. I will hang up the mirror we have ordered. I will finish my picture wall – still have to order the art work.
It looks like I invested a lot of time in my friendships and relationships this month. On top of some busier days at work it explains why I am rather tired and spend. I loved November though. My heart was happy.
How was November shaping up for you? Any new experiences you made? Have you been shaping your friendships and relationships lately? What are you looking forward to for the last month in 2024?
I love the view of your lamp from the yoga mat – it’s so cool!
Congratulations again on your successful NaBloPoMo!
I know it is such a cool perspective.
That’s an IMPRESSIVED number of comments, you truly are the cheerleader of the challenge! I did not do as good at going outside or exercising this month, nor reading books or keeping up with vacuuming, but I sure did BLOG, haha. I’m glad I gave it a try.
Merry December!
I know I am a bit surprised myself by the sheer amount of comments. I am not promising to redo that but I am glad I dedicated the time this year to do it.
Haha keeping up with vacuuming. I feel ya. I never keep up with this stuff but I did vacuum today because I was annoyed of all the dust.
Have a great December yourself. And I am hoping to show up at your blog over the next year.
That is a truly impressive number of comments. I wonder how you tracked it…?
I love that picture from under your light! It’s so interesting how things look so different from unique angles.
I’m glad your migraines are getting better, though I’m sure it’s hard to cut out sugar :(
I just counted each comment I made on other blogs manually. No fancy tech just fingers and computer.
It is very hard to cut sugar- and then not at all one i decided to do it. Problem is I don’t want to do it permanently and I am not good in eating only one cookie/piece of candy/etc. that is my real battle. Sigh.
I agree finding new perspectives for regular things around us can be so interesting. Also a good mindfulness practice.
I’m so glad that cutting out sugar has really helped with your migraines (because you can figure out at least one trigger, there may be more)
I’m so sorry that cutting out sugar has really helped with your migraines (because you don’t know if that’s the only one, and also, SUGAR IS GOOD)
You were the queen of commenting this year, I bow down.
I love how much time you were able to spend with family and friends. That is soul nourishing.
It is one trigger. I have more (wine, weather, heat, stressing myself, being angry…) but I love cake, ice cream, chocolate so this is so much harder than cutting alcohol- which I would do in an instant. Sigh…
I really made an effort in commenting and I am happy it showed. Thank you.
I was surprised how many times I was able to spend time with friends and family this past month.
Wow – you had a super productive November!
That lamp is amazing!
It’s been a fun month for sure.
And I love my lamp. It’s been hard to find one but I am very happy now.
I also loved November. It was a BUSY month, but with a lot of worthwhile experiences. I should use your example and make a list of things I’ve enjoyed /accomplished for the upcoming month. December will be a busy month as well, and I want to make sure I appreciate it.
I’m looking forward to December posts from you!
I’d love to read that list.
December will be busy for sure but also lots of fun things.
It sounds like you have a lot to look forward to in the coming year and more, and cutting out sugar is a great idea. It’s so hard to do and yet, so easy once you start. Bravo on the walking too, that combine with less sugar will help with your health goals. I know it did for me. I lost over 40 pounds in weight over 3 years.
And November for me was one of blogging change. I started a new blog, found a new challenge, made some new online connections, and have generally had a really good productive month. One I’m trying hard to maintain into December.