So October was just a breeze going by, right? tell me I am not alone in the feeling that time really does move faste (when you get older?!). Anyway November is a day and a couple hours old. Time to have a recap on how shaping happiness in October looked like on my end.
How I incorporated my word SHAPE in October
Shaping Life and Happiness
- I was mindful on German Unification Day and wrote a blogpost about it.
- I am as of yesterday a certified AI Manager. Not sure what I will do with that but I sure know more than before.
- I bought myself flowers. And gotten some more for a shooting that I now get to enjoy.
- We discussed where we want to spend our anniversary and decided it will be a trip to Gdansk, Poland and not to our favorite cabin by the sea. I am excited. I want to book but the husband needs to confirm dates with the office.
Shaping Health and Body
- I joined the Cool Bloggers Walking Club hosted by Elisabeth and can proudly tell you I only missed on Sunday. I came fresh out of the bathtub and was just slipping into my PJs when I realized I hadn’t been on my walk. I walked a total of 42 times for 16 house and 55 minutes and a total of 80 km.
- However I walked a total of 161.5 kilometers and an average of 6.929 steps daily in October. Five days I hit the 10.000 steps goal.
- I managed to close my Apple Watch rings twice. Sad…
- I did 8 yoga sessions and a total of 3 hours and 35 minutes. Yoga felt extra hard and exhausting this month and I often only managed short session. I hope to get back to a better routine in November.
- I took one nap.
- I went to a new gynecologist after a horrid experience earlier this year and I think I have found the one I am sticking with. And she is the same age as I am. I also mentioned I am a bit scared of perimenopause and my migraines.
Shaping Mind & Soul
- I enjoyed two Sunday night bathing sessions with book, candle and fragrance salt.
- I read some spooky books and enjoyed them.
- I went to our monthly church group. The pastor asked us if we would be willing to create an evening service and we decided we will do so. We had some ideas and will decide in November. I have managed to imply that we might not exclude the political issue.
Shaping Relationships
- I spend time with my best friend ¥– unfortunately only via FaceTime because she was sick and I didn’t want to get an infection because I had a shooting planned in the operating room – which was then cancelled.
- I saw some old family friends by chance when visiting my dad.
- I had a coffee date with one member from the AI course who happened to be in Berlin for a meeting and exactly 2 min from my parents place.
- The husband and I went on a date day and I may have piggy backed on the Cool Bloggers Walking Club.
- We saw our friends and realized there won’t be another gathering this year because all weekends are somehow full. Sad.
Shaping Home
- I sold two things on ebay.
- I started the picture wall and ran out of artwork to hang. I also ordered my magnetic frames because I want to go bigger. I’ll share t soon. Promise.
- I have played around with the scheduling tool on the robo-vacuum and I can say the apartment is a bit cleaner. Now I just need a robot to clean the bathrooms.
Shapes in the wild
I am on a hunt to find shapes in the places around me. Here is one I found.

The photo is rather pathetic but I only had my phone camera around. Look more to the aesthetics please
How I will SHAPE life and happiness in November
- Shaping Life and Happiness I will book the anniversary trip. There are few other family reunions, birthdays and such that involve travel that I want to fix already. I will sort things in my business and have declared November the admin month.
- Shaping Health and Body I will acknowledge my fatigue and not push it – instead my plan is to go for daily walks during lunch on weekdays and do 5 min mediations daily (secret goal is to do a 5 minute session mornings & evenings). I will cut sugar from my diet this month and do a detox week.
- Shaping Mind & Soul I will volunteer for Operation Christmas Child with my sister. I will read fairy tales. I will start some crafting to get into the festive season. I will spend a weekend in the country home all by myself.
- Shaping Relationships I will of course join NaBloPoMo. I will shape my relationship by doing another date day. I will see my friend, and then also a double date with her entire family. I dare to say but I hope to see my friend I haven’t seen since earlier this year. I will spend a day with dad before he leaves for rehab center.
- Shaping Home I will clean the terrace, put away things that shouldn’t be outside during winter and winterize the plants, I will sell 5 things on ebay. I will finish my picture wall for which I need to create and print some art work. My plan is to get it done and order with Black Friday deals.
How did October shape up to be for you? Any big plans for November? What was a great moment in October for you and what are you looking forward to in November? How are you doing on the fineness front?
Also in perimenopause! Quite an experience right? I hope you find a solution for migraines, I don’t get them myself but have a close friend who does and oooffff.
Christmas celebrations are the best, except in the US we (I’m generalizing) tend to over gift and I can’t stand it. I already had a talk with T about NOT getting each other gifts but getting a new couch for the living room (our is falling apart). He seemed… Kind of receptive? lol we will see.
I love you “shaping” posts.
Ah thank you Daria. Yes over gifting is a thing in the US but I have a feeling we always adopt it in Europe without reflecting if it is good or necessary. I usually have a budget for each gift and it is way way lower than what my husband would do. So I raised it a bit but try to keep it lower than he would and most of all equal. I even have a list as to be fair.
I am not sure I am already in perimenopause. I have been sleeping bad for the last decade so that is not an indicator I can use. I am not looking forward to it… but I guess I better brush up on some knowledge. I do follow some IG accounts and have read a couple of books. We’ll see. I guess it will be another of the Cool Bloggers Club where meany of us will be heading towards.
Your October shaped up so well, Tobia! I really enjoyed October, and it lived up to my expectations of being my favorite month of the year. The CBWC was so much fun, and I plan to keep walking in November as long as the weather permits it. I got an indoor bike for snowy days!
You walking photos were so gorgeous. I would keep going walking in the snow too. I hope we get some.
Yeah for your favorite month delivering.
Congrats on your certification! And I’m glad you were able to find a different gynecologist. It’s so important to have someone we trust for that!
Yes I am very proud of the certificate but I also realized I just don’t know much at all.
The gynecologist ist a god sent.
I am glad that you found a better Gynecologist. I had a great one that I really liked; she was quick, informative, and did not brush me off when I asked questions, even though the walls were thin and I could tell there was another patient already waiting. She also talked to me while doing the exam, which I never would have thought that I would like but it did ease the tension a bit. Although after so many years of going through this you would think it would have gotten easier! The one thing I did not like is that I asked her about perimenopause and she told me I was too young! However, once I told her that my Mom went through menopause in her 40s, she did change her tune, but at first she just dismissed my question.
It’s so impostor have good doctors no matter the specialty. I am lucky enough in a Berlin to switch doctors – don’t want to imagine being stuck with one because living in rural areas.
I am sorry your doctor dismissed it first. It may be unusual that early but she could have asked about family background. Without going into detail I am glad she knows my mother’s history as well because it might give her more data to treat me.
Oh goodness, a bad gynecologist is dreadful indeed, so glad you found one you like.
I like your list of things accomplished, and your goals. I think not pushing through fatigue is a great idea. I seem to remember that cutting way back on sugar helped with your migraines in the past, right? Why does it have to be the GOOD things? Why can’t it be liver? Give up liver, feel fantastic. Sigh.
Yes, it’s good for my migraines… October was another tough month so here we are again. No sugar.
I would give up liver – even though I sometimes crave liver. Like really crave it. I eat it in food restaurants sometimes. But I would give it up for no more migraines for sure.
I took a little detour to read your “Shape of the World” post. Things are certainly scary. I just read a (fictional, but historically accurate) account of how the nazis came to power. It’s pretty scary, especially with the elections coming up here in the US next week. What is going on in the world?
I like your plans to “shape” life and happiness. If we aren’t proactive about shaping the lives we want, time will just pass by randomly. I’m going to borrow some of your ideas!
Thank you Jenny. Yes that Shape of the World post was hard to write and nothing has really improved since then. Fingers cross enough smart people are voting on Tuesday and it counts for something. I fear if that clown gets another chance it’s the first domino falling and all the other idiots of the world will follow and congratulate themselves for being so goodman awesome. I can’t stand these narcicist… or white males with a good complex. Sorry short rant.
Feel free to borrow as much as you need to shape happiness for yourself. I sure could borrow some of your exercise energy.
I went through perimenopause in my early 40s and the migraines actually got less frequent – until I started taking hormones. I stopped the hormones a couple of weeks ago and I feel like the migraines are getting less frequent again (fingers crossed). I am glad women talk about their experience more but it still feels a little lonely sometimes.
October went by so quick. I can’t even tell you what exactly I did but I signed up for a gym membershp. In November my BIL and his wife will come for a visit and we will go on our Las Vegas road trip together.
So happy to hear that it was less in frequency. But it doesn’t help much I the other symptoms increase. I am sorry. Yes, I think we need to talk much more about it. I have started asking my mom a bit about it. Also my book club friends all 5 years older are talking and educating about it so I am getting info even though not yet actively seeking. I probably should.
A Vegas trip with family sounds fun. Hope it is everything you look forward to.
I love how intentional you are about shaping your happiness. October was pretty good for me, other than the unseasonably hot weather that made me feel I was missing a proper fall and some fatigue that held on after being sick most of September. This week I really tried to follow through on resting, got some good walks and yoga in and then made myself sit and read like it was my job. Yesterday was cold and clear and I got to read outside and today was perfectly brisk for walking and I feel so good. Maybe November will kind of be my October?
I love your sentiment on making November your October. Why not.
Sorry you have been sick during September. I love being outside when it is cold and your cheeks are chill but your are wrapped up in warm comfy clothes. I feel so alive then.
I really have enjoyed these shape recaps throughout the year. I remember thinking when you chose it as your word of the year that it was an unusual choice, but I love how you’ve “shaped” it into your own! It’s so much to click on these every month.
Thank you Engie. I like unusual choices for my word of the year. I remember when choosing it that I struggled on how to do these monthly check-ins as previous words (grace, celebrate) were so much easier. But here we are.
If you figure out a robot to clean the bathroom. Let me know!
In November I am looking forward to hosting a tailgate at my daughter’s college. Hoping for decent weather. Nov. can be dicey. October was very busy and I was struggling with sleep/a health issue. Hoping the upcoming month affords me some time to declutter a few spaces.
I’m glad you found a new gynecologist.
You and me both looking for that robot to do the bathroom cleaning. That’s an invention everyone would get behind, no?
Fingers crossed for bestes of November weather for you tailgate party.
And I hope you sleep and health issues are behind you. It’s so energy draining…
I really love how you used the word ‘shape’ this year. It’s so applicable.
I loved participating in the CBWC this in October and look at how many kilometers you walked! I am surprised you only closed your Apple rings twice. Maybe you should “lower” the goals for the three rings and start smaller so you’ll experience wins more often.
We do have to deal with a lot as women, don’t we? I am so glad you found a new OBGYN and hopefully she’ll be guiding you through the next few years. I feel like younger doctors are somewhat better educated to deal with the issues we as women face.
I am so happy you stuck it out with me through many lean years of NaBloPoMo and are still part of it every year. I always know I can count on you :) I’ve been looking forward to it for weeks… although my November will be pretty busy and I am hoping I’ll be able to keep up with it all.
I agree. Science has come a far way in women’s health so I did look for younger doctor but was surprised she is just my age.
My activity ring is set at 1000kcal so it’s very high but I do better when aiming high because this way I land above the default of 600 kcal almost every day. Gotta trick myself and it works for me. The other two rings I usually manage easily these days.
We can always clap ourselves on the back for doing the lean yours of NBPM
I can’t say I’ve been very intentional since the start of autumn, as I kind of take this time to regroup after all the hustle and bustle of summer and the good weather. While in winter, we all tend to hibernate intermittently because of harsh weather, something I’m sure you too are familiar with there, in Germany. Here in Quebec we have to plan everything during winter.
And finding a good Gynaecologist is a must when you get into your 40s. There is so much that goes on that people never seem to talk about. And you really need to have an expert on your team.
And here’s to “shaping” winter when she arrives.
Fall is to get ready for winter. And especially in Canada were its mandatory. We haven’t had any tough winters in a decade. People complain if -3°C but seriously it’s nothing. I remember winters with -20°C that was fun… Maybe not all the time. Now we don’t get these temperatures and we sure don’t get a lot of snow. Southern Germany might be a bit different.
I am really happy to have found and gotten an appointment at this gyn. I hope I can stay with her for a long time. I feel she is competent.
That is so exciting that you have decided to go to Poland, I know you’ve been keen to visit some new places. I’m glad you have a new gynecologist you like. This year was the first time I had to see one but she has been lovely, so that is good. Hopefully you can carry some of your walking momentum from the walking club into November. For me, most of October was spent travelling, so a lot of fun. November we have so many things on, it is going to be very busy.
Yes I am really really looking forward to that Poland trip. I just need to book. The plan is to sit down and do it next weekend. We also have a couple family things coming up that involve travel and overnight stays. Maybe I can make it an extended thing. We’ll see.
I bet November is busy, being away so long there is probably lots to catchup on and do before the holidays.
My walking is going good. All of November so far and yesterday a 8km walk to a crafts market.