It is the first of June. And while we technically have to wait for summer to arrive – calendar wise, weather wise it’s supposed to hit 30°C tomorrow – the date June 4th always starts of summer for me. So I am only a bit early in posting this years summer bucket list. However let’s have a quick glance at my spring list and how I did there:
- ✔️ Enjoy the first ice cream/sundae of the season.
- ✔️ Have a family reunion.
- ✔️ Start the 100DayProject.
- ✖️ Have a Spa Day with a friend.
- ✖️Doing some more Easter Eggs.
- ✔️Start BBQ season at our friends house.
- ✖️Do a detox week.
- ✔️Pretty up the balcony.
- ✔️Check of a few more books on my Reading List.
- ✔️Plan a vacation.
- ✖️Find a birthday present for Mr. ♡ – working on it.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to cross everything off but I am pretty happy with all the things that did happened. I have a few plans for the coming season. Here is my summer bucket list:
1. Spending some more time strolling along Berlins lakes and canals.
Instant relaxation, happiness and time spend with Mr. ♡. I want and need more of it. So my goal is to see as many lakes and waterfronts in and around Berlin as possible this summer.
2. Enjoy the balcony to the fullest.
Just planted new stuff and I am happy happy happy how it turned out. I’m hoping I’ll keep up the watering. I will sit here writing blog posts, reading, working and having meals. It’s my happy place in this big city. I just wish the neighbours were quiet.
3. Taking a photo trip to a part of Berlin I haven’t yet been or wasn’t for a long time.
Want to explore a bit more. with my current photo project I often just find time to go shoot within my vicinity of our apartment or errands I need to run. It kinda gets old. So I feel like I need to venture out.
4. Going to two school enrollment ceremonies.
Both my godchildren are starting school this fall and of course I’ll attend their enrollment ceremonies. Luckily they are not falling on the same date. Anyone has any idea what to gift?
5. Celebrating Mr. ♡ milestone birthday.
Coming up here soon. Still struggling with this gift-giving thing. It’s not my jam. Specially when wanting to do something extra special. Help needed.
6. Finishing #the100daysofcraftaliciousimages project.
I will finish but not within the time. I decided to take it slow and not force it when a day doesn’t happen. So it will probably be more towards end of July. However I can already say at day 49 it’s a success.
7. Sewing summer clothes.
Inspired by Selmin I have looked at my fabric stash and decided I need to sew all those projects I planned and had in mind when buying the fabric in the first place. So I am working my way through and making lots of shirts. I also attempt in doing my first shorts. We’ll see how that goes.
8. Making some more jewelry.
I have a few ideas for jewelry I want to make. And I realized after creating this instagram post that lots of mine are really old. Some don’t look too good so it’s time.
9. Spa Day with myself
Since the spa day didn’t happen with my friend now three times and therefore I kinda lost track of my annual goal of doing a spa day quarterly it’s high time I do this.
10. Baking from a new recipe
I was given a new recipe book all around chocolate. Also I have my grandmas cookbooks and need to have a closer look at. It’s time to try a new recipe it’s all I am saying.
11. Go swimming.
I haven’t been swimming in a long time. And I don’t mean hopping in a pool. For me swimming is going to a lake preferable with a surrounding forest and swimming out to the middle. The calm when you look around is just nice. Maybe I can manage to do this. Summer is supposed to be very hot even more so than last year. Can not imagine it right now but climate change is real so I believe it to be true. This reminds me of getting a fan. They were sold out last year for months.
12. Eat lots of veggies.
I kinda forgot about my detox week. I feel like I could use one but I also know summer isn’t the best time for it. So I’ll try to eat more veggies, fruits and light foods. I know it’s better for me but pasta often wins. Definitely will be doing my favorite summer dish.
Do you have any plans and did you write your own summer bucket list? As always I’d like to know and maybe I can steal a few things for myself I haven’t thought of.
Wishing you the best season
Love your summer list. I should write my own… I think it would remind me to actually put things on the calendar.
Yes it does help to keep a focus on fun memorable things.