Alright, I need to write down my thoughts because right now I am stuck. I keep talking myself out to it – the thing I really want to do. But then enter self doubt. Enter overthinking. Enter my inner critic.
But let’s take a step back and get you up to speed.
Maybe you have already figured out that I do a lot of crafts and art and photography. So much so that people keep telling me I should do something with it. Sell some of it. Make it even a profession.
And deep down it is something I would like to do. As a side hustle mostly as I have figured out it doesn’t need to be my profession.
First attempts of starting a business
In 2013 when I started this blog I also registered a business for jewelry and gifts. Years later I finally oped a Dawanda Shop – the European version of Etsy. I’ve made an immediate sale that gave me boost (I know believe it was a marketing thing that new shop owners always gotten sale made by Dawanda itself but I can’t proof. Just an inkling.) I even invested in some paid ads two years for Christmas and managed to make two or three more sales. Just when I decided to approach that a bit more serious the platform went bankrupt. I could have moved everything over to Etsy but didn’t do it as it wasn’t really successful. But I always though maybe I should have…

Some of my older jewelers pieces. The red ear rings I actually sold.
But I kept doing my crafts. I moved from a jewelry focus to more art and sketching. I eagerly await the 100 day challenges that “give me permission” to spend more time on being creative. Because if it doesn’t bring money it’s not valuable, right (sarcasm off. I know it is BS and yet one of those limiting believes…)

In 2017 I have uploaded a bunch of my photos to stock libraries and in 2020 to this art gallery hoping they would catch an eye and make me some money. Nothing yet. Admittedly I haven’t done any marketing so it isn’t really surprising. But still…
In 2021 when I bought my new blog theme I explicitly bought a theme that has a shop feature included. So it is been always in the back of my mind. Always something on my secret wish and bucket list. And yet here I am. No shop. No products.
And deep down I know some of the things would sell. Lately I have spend hours creating greeting cards with some of the art work. I have explicit ideas how the printing should look, the paper that it needs to be and the finishes I want. Heck I even did a little market research by asking people and collecting email addresses of people interested in buying.
I just need to send it to the printer.
Talking myself out of it
Right now about every other day I am sitting in front of the computer, going through the ordering process only to shut it all down in the middle. For the past three weeks it been going like that…
How is it that I keep telling myself no one will actually buy. No one is interested. Agreed I do not have an Etsy shop. I don’t really know where to sell. But isn’t that something I can figure out once the product is here? Or should I set all that up first? And do I need four versions of the card or should one be enough? But I want all four because I want to have a bundle. I want to have the colors. I simple want it. I just don’t want to spend the money. And having to store 800 cards unter my desk for years to come . Because where else would I put them? And you know I cant throw them away.

My latest card design für Christmas Cards and Birthdays Cards.
You see my dilemma and how I keep talking myself out of it?
I don’t want to sound whiny. I don’t want to sound ungrateful. I just need to share that I am annoyed with myself for not having my self.-confidence. For not being supportive of myself. For not believing.
I’ve been giving away freebies here on the blog with my freebie calendar so at least someone other than me can enjoy my creations. (have you downloaded?) I haven’t planned on doing it this year. But maybe that is what I end up doing if yet again cant make the plunge…
I need to know: Am I the only keeping myself out of something? Will you share your deepest wish and what you can’t figure out for yourself? Or are you one of the lucky ones being very self confident and broadcasting your idea? If so, what is your secret?
Oh you should do it!! You make beautiful things, and it sounds like you know what you need to do to open a successful shop AND how you want to define success.
Thank you Sarah. I do know what I would have to do. It’s more a mental struggle.
Gorgeous, Tobia! You are so creative and I think it would be wonderful to share these skills and items with a wider audience.
I’m still stuck back at the red earrings. Those are breathtakingly beautiful.
All the best! I’ve never sold anything via an online forum, but you seem to be very savvy with tech and I have every confidence you’ll do a great job. Sending hugs!
Oh Elisabeth. Thank you. I would drop you a pair of those red earrings if we’d lived closer.
I would probably figure out the tech and business stuff. It’s more a self confident and me Tal issue I am struggling with I guess.
This so resonated with me! I have trouble letting myself have time and space for creativity or my own pursuits – there are always “more important” things to do, sigh. But, I think if this is nagging at your heart as much as it seems to be, you deserve to give yourself the chance to see what happens with it! Sometimes, we have to bet on ourselves without knowing what happens next – because, whether it’s a wild success or a slow growth or whatever, the fact that you trusted your art and gave yourself an outlet for it really is the prize….
Thank you for your words. I am sorry to hear I am not alone in the “letting myself explore creativity” department. So sad that we do this.
I think if you have too much knowledge of the thing and think through it all (the legal stuff, the tax stuff, the logistics stuff) it starts to block the doing part. I feel people who just start and figure it out on the way are at time in advantage.
It’s such a competitive market out there for art. Etsy is so flooded with non-handmade goods. I think those cards look amazing and I would buy them and send them to everyone I know, but I do understand how soul-destroying it can be when your items don’t sell well.
Secretly, I don’t want to be in my new job. I want to start a dog-walking business. But I can’t make a living at that. I’ve done the business plan and done the numbers and there’s no way I can do it and make enough money. So I’m at a job, a great job, a job that suits my interests and abilities, but in the back of my mind, I do wonder if I’m making the wrong decision.
Thank you Engie for sharing your secret dream job. It seems like you have put a lot of thought into that too. Would it be side job option? If it feeds your soul…
Thank you for saying you’d send my cards to everyone. Means the world to me.
I agree Etsy does have a lot of products that are not really handmade anymore.
I also looked into those drop ship options that would connect to Etsy but i am not sure how I feel. I mean at least designs would be handmade…
I think I just jump in and invest some money and hope for the best.
I think it’s very hard to take your art and turn it into a business! It feels a little different if you’re doing it purely for pleasure and doing it to make money. And what if you start to sell a bunch of GREEN earrings, then you might think “Oh, I should obviously be using more green in my pieces…” and suddenly it affects your creativity. Having said all that- it sounds like something you really want to do, so I think you should go for it. Your last sentence in the reply to Engie’s comment says it all- you should just jump in and invest some money and hope for the best!
I totally agree with you. I start doing it because I like doing it but when one thing sells better than the other do you just do that. what if you get sick of it. I guess that is why I am struggling. I want to do it because it is fun but dont want to do it because it sells. And I know both is not possible.
Very observant of you that I basically given myself the answer in the comment.
I can relate to this struggle, Tobia. You might remember eons ago that I had an Etsy shop and was making my own cards. It all came tumbling down when the pandemic hit (and the postal service and all that was so unreliable) and I haven’t picked up the pieces since. I want to, but I have the same doubts – what if nobody is interested? Also, I agree with Engie that Etsy, unfortunately, is so flooded with non-handmade goods these days that it’s hard to get your things front and center.
However, having said that, setting up an Etsy shop is fairly easy (do you still have the business license? I am not sure what that entails in Germany) and you could just start out with a smaller list of things to see what attracts attention. I am not sure what your plan is – are you getting the cards printed elsewhere?
I used to print them at home, so could just make them whenever I had an order… it’s different if you have to invest a lot up front.
We can talk more offline if you’re interested – you’re so creative and have so many good ideas and really put your heart into it, so I definitely think your shop would get traction!
I did wonder if you were still doing your Etsy shop. You did start it with a friend who was leaving that cooperation later if I remember correctly. I always loved those cards you made.
Well the business license is still here but the Finanzamt is doubting I actually want to do business after never really making any profit in the past years so that is another issue right now. So yes it all comes together a bit and is overwhelming.
I would love to get your input about Etsy though.
You don’t sound whiny or ungrateful. But it sounds like this is something you really WANT, and you have the gorgeous products already. I would say give it a go! If this is the dream of your heart, why not pursue it?
True. I do want it. Also true I should give it a go. Will I be ordering the cards today. Maybe I need to put it down in writing on my to-do list
Oh I would totally be the same way. I do not think I am cut out to be a businessperson. That just sounds so overwhelming to me. But, tons and tons of people do it, so….why not you, too?? Seems like you don’t have much to lose, anyway! Just give it a go. Nothing says you have to keep doing it, if for whatever reason it doesn’t pan out.
That is true. I could always stop. Thank you for your encouraging words.
I can really relate to this. I often wonder what’s the point of doing my podcast when we have >40 listeners an episode. Thankfully, I have a partner in this podcasting game and she’s very adamant that this is something we are doing for FUN and for US, and it doesn’t need to be super popular. And I don’t think I WANT our podcast to be super popular – but it would be nice to have more listeners, so it’s something I’m going to try to invest in next year. But it’s hard to just DO THE THING and hope it will be successful. Because sometimes it’s NOT successful and that’s soul-crushing.
Oh I hear you. I am sorry you are feeling this too and with your podcast. That is a lot of work for sure. But you are reaching 40 people. That is something.
Isn’t it sad though that we need the validation of strangers to feel accomplished and can not fully enjoy something because it is fun? I find that very sad.
I feel for you on this one. I like doing crafty things and sometimes I wonder if I could do more with it but I also really love the job I do so unless I loose this job and have more time nothing is going to happen if I am realistic.
My mom used to do pottery and sold that out of our house and on craft fairs close by. I still remember her sitting in her studio and around Christmas time everyone helped glazing angels and snowmen. It took a lot of time. It paid for itself and made some extra for vacations and such but I don’t think it would have been enough to live of. It’s hard out there. But if you do have the time and the extra money to pay upfront why not try? Who says you can’t be one of the ones it works for? It clearly brings you joy and the cards are beautiful!
So you had your own little elve shop at home. That is a fun way to grow up even though I can imagine at times it must have been annoying.
I do like my other day job too and I know and probably don’t want to make my crafting a full time thing. But doing it half heartily is a lot of effort still. What would you putting out if you had the time? Knitted goods?
What would I do? Good question. Probably not knitting since I don’t think that would pay good enough. Maybe I actually would revisit pottery or make intricate crochet earrings or maybe door wreaths? I don’t know. My daughter is thinking something up but it’s not quite there yet.
When my mom had her shop it was actually not annoying at all. Part of me looked forward to the holiday season and the craft fairs. You also got to see what others made and I really loved that part.
Thank you for sharing. How wonderful that the memories hold so much joy.
Door wreath business is something I’ve been thinking about too.
I think your designs are incredible!! I would totally invest in something like this for the house. If money were no object… I would start a women’s shelter in my town where women can come and spend they night or more with their kids. For those people who are unhoused. But I would not make it look “shelter” or “institutional” I would employ a Danish design, clean lines, lots of nice lighting, comfy rugs. Anyway, a dream.
Wow, that is an incredible dream to have and so selfless. It would be nice to have such a beautiful home and safe space. Surroundings are so important to feel safe and appreciated. If everything looks like having passed down it doesn’t do much for self esteem in the troubled situation. Beautiful dream.
Your designs are beautiful and you are so creative. I’ve often thought this when I see your Insta and blog posts.
Sounds like this is something you are passionate about and I’m sorry you’ve been feeling like this.
Thank you Anthea. I love creating but I just can’t keep it all.
I really feel your comment about how “if it doesn’t make money” (or make the house cleaner) “it’s not worth it”, according to society. Have you ever read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert? She is good at validating your creativity as an important use of time.
On a rational basis I do know this but emotionally I can’t shake the thought. I did read big magic. Maybe I need to have a look into it again.