It is raining cats and dogs outside my window and its either a really bla grey annoying Saturday morning or it is a cozy fall like morning on a rainy day and just perfect for our virtual coffee date in June. It’s all in the eyes of the beholder. Fresh brewed coffee wafts by my nose, I take sip of my vanilla coffee and start chatting with you.
If you and I had coffee…
…I asked how you are doing. How do you feel mentally? I’ve been feeling all the feelings lately. From excitement to utter despair. Specially after the European Elections. The shape of the world is just a disaster. All I want to do is hide in my comfy, happy and loving internet space. But it is not the real world. Or rather just a slipper of the real world. There are other shades out there and for many or maybe even most of us it’s not a rosy shade. But I don’t want to start our coffee date all gloomy… so we move on to happier topics.
If you and I had coffee…
…I share a bit about my work. I have officially retained the state of self-employed again and signed off on being unemployed earlier this week. I will most probably end up with the same amount of money which is still not sufficient but at least I have a feeling I am going forwards. I have previously mentioned that I signed two new clients. One is a hospital. The interesting part here is that they are one of the major hospitals also providing anthroposophic treatments. Now I was not familiar about that prior to getting into talks but I am intrigued but take it all with a grain of salt. It’s an ideology and those need to be questioned. But I am very curious to learn more. One reason I did decide to go forward with this job is that in communication the regular and scientific teachings and treatments of medicine are at the forefront. But as you know with my dabbling in herb gathering and home remedies I have an interest in these things. So I am looking forward to learning more without getting too involved. But I did live with Mormons for a year and have not converted I am confident in my abilities. But wonder, have you heard of Anthroposophy before? Have you tried treatments maybe? I’d love to hear.
The other client I have is a bit more difficult. Until yesterday I would have but a red flag on him. I was ready to ditch hime asap when a better of came in. But I had a very constructive meeting yesterday (without the boss) and we are finally moving forward. I have a feeling I can help them. The last month I was only organizing meetings and sending reminders because the just never replied, canceled meetings minutes before the scheduled time, didn’t give feedback, talked back on all things I recommended and where just exhausting. And then telling me they are not seeing results. I was so mad after that meeting. So we’ll see how it is going. For now its and income even when a hard earned one.
If you and I had coffee…
…I share that we decided to unsubscribing Netflix. This may seem like a minor detail but for us it’s surprising. We do spend a lot of our down time watching movies and shows together. And even when alone – specially the husband – we do enjoy our shows. But prices have been increased to 20 € per month and it is just ridiculous. And it is not that we don’t have other streaming services subscribed to. We still have Apple TV+, Disney and Amazone Prime. And we have gotten a good offer for WOW (former Sky) that we could get for I think 5€ a month as promotion. So we decided to forego Netflix at least for the summer. Lately I also feel like I have seen it all and there is nothing I like to watch. And usually during summer we are not watching as much anyways. After talking about all that I would love to hear if you have subscribed to any streaming channels. And of course what are you watching right now? Anything I should definitely check out? Let’s hear it.
If you and I had coffee…
…I have to ask if you have also experience that my feed is not correctly shown on Feedly. We all know that San has been struggling with it for ages. But Michelle recently told me that my blog posts show up very delayed on her feed. So I am wondering if that is the case with anyone else. I had a suspicion that something was weird because comments went down a bit but then I thought oh well summer and all those shenanigans. Anyways, let me know please… not that I would know how to fix it and I will definitely not have the stamina San has in resolving that issues.
If you and I had coffee…
…I asked if you are friends with an ex. I have some contact with an ex from Idaho I dated over 20+ years ago. We sometimes write on social media and every once in a while chat for a bit. Now a milestone birthday was coming up so I wrote a letter and then one early weekend morning we were online at the same time so we had a FaceTime call. We talked for over an hour. And it was really nice. Like I missed this nice. In a friendship kinda way.
While I always believed friendships after a break up are a possibility if both sides are equally ok I never lived to see it. When I went to Idaho in 2008 to visit and stay with his family he didn’t meet us because his then girlfriend was not allowing it. I was mad and hurt. My then boyfriend now husband was questioning why I was so sad. And overall I was just annoyed that friendships between genders are always so loaded. There was not much contact after that. But in 20212 we traveled to his sister’s wedding and did spend some time together. I think we did manage to clear the air in an admittedly weird talk. I’ve known him since he was 15 I think. And we did share a lot of the growing up stuff but we also moved our conversations into adulthood. I do not have many friends in general. And I do not have many friends or people in my life who made the transition from teens to now and who I still feel a connection to. But I always feel a tiny little bit guilty having this friendship. Because it was an ex. So tell me. Are you friends with an ex? Does it work? Do you have opinions.
If you and I had coffee…
…I share with you my image from the office window. I am so happy how my little rose bush is doing. So many blossoms. Such a bright pink. It is not even looking this much on the photo.And you can also see my little fountain.

Have you ever worked with a red flag client? Do you have contact or maybe even a friendship with an ex? How do you feel mentally and emotionally about the shape of the world? What streaming services have you subscribed to? And what shows/movies do I need to watch?
We always have Netflix, and our plan was originally to alternate subscriptions to Prime, stan and Disney, but then we keep forgetting to cancel the extra subscriptions, so at the moment, we are subscribed to all four. Our monthly cost is the equivalent of just over 30EUR for all of them. If Netflix was as expensive here as it is in Germany, we would have to be a bit better at cutting down the number.
Your blog is coming up in Feedly for me. It’s so weird how it seems so buggy.
Navigating a friendship with an ex can be hard. I had a few ex’s that I continued to have regular contact with, mainly due to being in the same friendship group but none now that I’ve kept a friendship with. I can imagine it is hard to miss a friendship. I’m glad you got to reconnect.
Oh that is really cheap having all four for 30€. We definitely would not cancel at that price. I have no clue what all ours cost to be honest as it’s being paid by the husband. I probably wouldn’t have any on my own.
Thanks for the Feedly feedback. I’ve signed up to my blog and it did show up. However I realized that the pictures are not shown for my blog and yours. Now that is strange, I have to observe that.
Oh yes I can see that ex’s in friendship groups can be extra hard. I never had that. However my mom employed one of my exes and that was really upsetting for me as she told me all the good stuff about him but I never told her or anyone why I did break up. It would have not been a good thing for him… but it bothered me a lot. Thank you for your thoughts.
Hi Tobia, it looks like you posted this yesterday (Saturday) and it showed up in my Feedly today (Sunday). I’m sure the time difference between us must account for some of the lag. This was a nice coffee chat with many interesting topics! Can you believe that we don’t have any streaming services? I think we’re in the minority on that. We have basic Satellite TV, and that seems to be enough. I have never stayed in contact with an ex. I hope your red flag client works out! The view out your window is gorgeous!
Yes I did post when you were all asleep so I assume that is the lag. An then it is not instantly available on Feedly. We don’t have regular tv anymore since we never enjoyed that much. And it is all German and we like to watch the movies and shows in English which streaming makes possible. But I am not sure I need all of them to be honest. I can easily forego some nights without watching any tv and rather talk or read a book or maybe even play a game.
I do hope my red flag client has finally understood that I can be of help.
I haven’t had any problems with your blog showing up in Feedly in a timely manner (or not that I noticed) but there are some other blogs that seem to have issues in Feedly right now (mine not being one of them, I think, but then again, that might only be temporary because I don’t have confirmation if the “issue” that I was told about with the “security company” was fixed or not), but for now it seems to be working ok. I’ll keep an eye on it and let you know if I notice any inconsistencies.
I still keep up with my ex. We don’t talk/communicate regularly (so, I don’t know if you’d call it a friendship), but we do have contact a few times a year and I am glad – and believe – it’s possible to have a friendship with an ex. Of course, it depends on the reason for the breakup, but in my case, I still think my ex is one of the best people I ever met and I am glad we were able to keep up with each other even after I broke off the relationship.
We currently have Netflix and Amazon Prime, but we do not watch a lot of series. No recommendations from my end.
Tja k you San. You are the Feedly expert in our group of bloggers. I couldn’t see any irregularities either so far.
I do t communicate with regularly either. A couple times and then mostly small talk maybe. I have the feeling friendships in the US are different than in Germany. Not sure how to explain. Most Europeans call them superficial but I don’t think it’s true. But they might be for us. It’s good to hear you also have some contact and that it can work. And I agree if there wouldn’t be any respect and sort of live there I wouldn’t be staying in contact. He is one of the kindest people I know.
I don’t have feedly, so I can’t speak to that. We pay for far too many streaming services, and they add up for sure. i think if we were more organized with our money we would be better, but we have 4 separate accounts…mine, my husband’s, my daughter’s (adult), and joint me and my husband account. Our streaming services are all me, my husband, and my daughter. None joint. So we have inertia keeping us from deleting any that we don’t use. Having said that I’m not convinced we use Netflix right now, so maybe I will cancel it.
Oh that is interesting that you keep all the separate accounts instead of profiles in one account. We have each a profile, one for us and then one for all Christmas movies. This way the algorithm shows what’s relevant but we only pay for one account. Same in Amazon prime. It I get it. It’s just all to much and confusing and everything gets updated and changed all the time so no wonder one looses the overall overview.
We have Netflix and Amazon Prime and I watch neither, so it wouldn’t change my life if we canceled them. LOL. I would spontaneously combust if I didn’t have access to YouTube, though.
Your posts appear to be showing up in my Feedly in a timely manner.
I am FB friends with an ex, but we don’t really talk. I don’t even know if I’d let him know if I were visiting the area where he lives. Maybe. But I think it would be awkward.
I rarely use YouTube. And if only for business stuff but never for entertainment purposes.
Thanks for the Feedly update.
Well if you already know it’s gonna be awkward I wouldn’t see an ex. In my case I would as I am slo friends with his parents and sister and am in contact with them. It would be awkward not telling him.
No problems with your posts and Feedly on my side!
The world is going to complete shit. I stopped following the news a long time ago- since the pandemic, since, like you, I wanted to preserve my mental health. I rarely watch TV, and when I do it’s mainly movies. We have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Disney+. Why so many, I have no clue. Growing up, we had three channels, with two being state channels.
Right? I didn’t even have a TV until I was ten years or so. I believe having all of them it’s just overwhelming… the time we spend discussing what to watch… sigh.
I have way too many streaming services. Netflix, Peacock, Paramount+, Prime, and Hulu. Although I share those accounts with my mom – I pay for Netflix and Paramount+ and she pays for Peacock + Hulu. So it works out nicely! One of my friends rotates between streaming services so she just has one and uses it for 3ish months and then bops around to a different one after that. It’s an interesting system!
Your blog seems to be showing up normally for me on Feedly. My blog goes through spurts where it’ll take HOURS for my latest post to show up but then the next post shows up on time. It’s strange!
Well that du. That you get to share accounts with you mom. Here in Germany they have limited that so it only works with people in your household. I like your friends approach with the three month thing…
Yes Feedly is weird I don’t think we’ll ever understand completely